Making Connections in the Catskills

The Owners/Operators:

Donna Schieffer-Kennedy, aka Momma Wonder 

Robert Kennedy, aka Bobby Curious

Catskills Junction, LLC is owned and operated by Donna Schieffer-Kennedy, aka Momma Wonder (DBA) and Robert Kennedy, aka Bobby Curious/BobbyCurious4Kids. They bring over 70 years of professional experience working with children and families, extensive experience in leadership and administration, founding and operating a 501C3, as well as considerable experience in the arts with performance, public speaking and advocacy. They originated from small towns in the Midwest and grew up and worked in farming and small business communities. They are passionate, seasoned and committed to getting involved in the community by bringing new ideas and experiences to the area that they now call home. 

Originally from Nebraska, both started their careers in the Arts: Donna as a modern dancer and Robert as a musician. They moved to New York City to pursue their passion and along the way, fell in love with educating special needs children. Donna acquired a BA in Dance with an Emphasis in Performance, an MS in Special Education and an MA in Supervision and Administration. Robert has a BA in Journalism with minors in Marketing, English, Psychology and Sociology. He also is a certified Kodaly Music Educator and is well versed in Music Therapy techniques. Through the mission of Catskills Junction, they look forward to helping connect the people, places and things of this amazing Catskill Mountain Region that they have been a part of over the last twenty years. 


One Destination 

Many Reasons

Invaluable Experiences

Located between The Catskill Scenic Trail

and Railroad Avenue behind the Car Wash & Laundromat