
Topics centered around the challenges related to social skills annotation of multi-modal behavior analysis, in the context of human-human, human-agent or human-robot interaction, including but not limited to:

  • New multi-modal corpora for studying social skills

  • Review of existing work about social skills analysis

  • Novel techniques to extract and annotate verbal and nonverbal behavior

  • Annotation of subjective constructs related to social skills

  • Annotation Tools

  • Integration of existing corpora with annotations for social skills analysis

  • Annotation schemes

  • Data transformation and manipulation

  • Data representation

  • Platforms for storing and sharing corpora


We invite submissions of long papers (up to 8 pages in two column -> 13~14 pages in one column + references) and short papers (up to 4 pages in two column -> 7 pages in one column + references) formatted according to ICMI guidelines.

*Note that recently the ACM conference page format is changed to single-column and page limits were affected accordingly. See for the new format.

To submit to the workshop, please upload your paper to our EasyChair submission website here:

Each paper will be sent to at least two expert reviewers and will have one of the organizers assigned as editor. Please note that submissions are double-blind so all information giving away who the authors are must be eliminated from the submitted paper.

Proceedings will be published as adjunct proceedings to the 23nd ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction.


  • Submission deadline: August 2, 2021 (extended)

  • Notification to authors: August 27, 2021 (extended)

  • Camera-ready: tbd