Schedule (tentative)

Monday, 18th October 2021

Note, all times are in the EST timezone. Montreal timezone is EDT (EST+1).

Some timezones conversions are provided at the end of the schedule.

The workshop will take place virtually.

8:00am - 8:10am

Welcome and Workshop introduction

CATS2021 Organizing Committee

08:10am - 09:10am

Keynote Talk: eXplainable Cooperative Machine Learning – An interactive Human/Machine Annotation Process

Tobias Baur, Human-Centered Artifical Intelligence Laboratory, Augsburg University, Germany


Oral presentations - Annotations

9.10am: S. Ishikawa et al., A Development of a Multimodal Behavior Analysis System for Evaluating Dementia Care Interaction.

9.25am:R. Vijay et al., An opportunity to investigate the role of specific nonverbal cues and first impression in interviews using deep fake based controlled video generation.

9.40am: P. A. Silva & R. Santos, Setting Up a Health-related Quality of Life Vocabulary.


q/a + panel - Annotations

Break 10:30am -10:50am


Keynote Talk: Towards Increasing Diversity in Datasets

Daniel Gatica-Perez, Idiap, EPFL, Switzerland

Break 11:50am -12:40pm


Keynote Talk: The MatchnMingle dataset: some untold stories and challenges behind collecting and annotating data from real social situations in the wild

Laura Cabrera-Quirós, Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica (TEC), Costa Rica


Oral Presentations - Datasets

1.40pm: K. Bodur et al., ChiCo: A Multimodal Corpus for the Study of Child Conversation.

1.55pm: B. Ravenet, IdlePose : a dataset of spontaneous idle motions.

2.10pm: N. Corbellini & G. Volpe, Making automatic movement features extraction suitable for non-engineer students.

2.25: J. Kim et al., A Systematic Review on Dyadic Conversation Visualizations.


q/a + panel - Datasets

Break 3:20pm - 3:40pm


Closing / Mini networking