
The enviroment in which the Cats of the Valley choose to live is quite unique and one of a kind!

The Valley

The Valley is way bigger than it may seem. Parted into four major parts that can be used in different ways and for different reasons. The Cats of the Valley have created their own names for the different parts of the Valley. Easier communication allows them to create a better life for everyone and help each other in times of need.

The Highground

The Highground got it's name from the high Mountains that populate the majority of the land. Large mountains with lots of valuble metals, crystals and herbs for the cats to collect.  The three most important areas of the Highground would be Mount Kizz, the Stormisle and the Wooden lands. Other than these there really aren't any places the Cats have names for in the Highground.

Mount Kizz

Mount Kizz is a huge Mountain on the very edge of the Highlands. Lots of secret tunnels and mines were digged into it by generations of twolegs and cats alike. It's the primary location to get important resources such as metals, different crystals and healing herbs.


The Stormisle is one of the most important places for the Valley cats. The magic on this little island in the middle of a lake is one of if not the very strongest in the Valley. The Stormisle is used for Scholars graduation ceremonies and a general meeting spot for important stuff.

Wooden lands

The Wooden lands is a densely planted area on the foot of Mount Kizz. Hundered of trees stand side by side so close that barely any sunlight managed to reach the ground. Here the Cats find the majority of their prey and nesting materials.

The Quiet Plains

The Quiet Plains. The smallest and less visited area in the whole Valley. The Quiet Plains are often visited by many twolegs due to it's closeness to the next bigger City, Soula. Therefore the Cats try to avoid this area.

Nevertheless are the Quiet Plains a popular meeting place between mates. Especially during the evening hours mates like to gather in the Quiet Plains and spend some time together in the Apple Fields or at Lovers Trees.


Soula is the next bigger City near the Valley. A lot of twolegs live here. Because of that places near Soula, especially the Apple fields are popular within the twolegs. That wouldn't be a problem if it weren't for twolegs constantly trying to catch the Cats of the Valley. This made the city rather unpopular within the Valley.

Apple Fields

Apples are not only a tasty treat for the Cats of the Valley. They also attract a lot of prey for them. During the day the Valley Cats avoid the Apple fields with all their might to not get into the fangs of some random twoleg. But during the night some Valley Cats like to hunt or just chill under the trees.

Lovers Trees

The two large Mangrove trees sitting on each side of the river that comes out of the lake are calles Lovers Trees among the Cats of the Valley. The trees are leaning towards each other and brush against each other in some ways. This, for the cats, looks a lot like a pair of mates getting close to one another in a loving embrace. This spot is very popular for dates under the moonlight.

The Village

The Village is the main are of the Valley. Here lie the lifing quaters of most of the Valley Cats and here the Cats can craft materials or brew potions. The twolegs living in the Village don't know of the cats magical traits or their talent in Alchemy and the Cats work hard to keep it that way. 

The only Twoleg that is allowed to know about the Cats special ability's is the Wizard. He is the one who helped the Cats find their traits and thought them Alchemy. He is their friend and tries his best to keep every one of the Valley cats healthy.

Dead Tree

The Dead Tree is just what the name says. A very old but dead oak tree. It's seen as holy under the Valley Cats and used for meetings to discuss important things that aren't important enough to be discusses on the Stormisle. Scholars who ended their moons of learning have to sleep one night inside of the mostly hollow trunk to strenghten their bond with the tree and therefor their magic as well.

The Tower

The Tower is the most important non-magical place in the entire Valley. Here lives the Wizard that allowed the Cats to discover their magical abilities as well as the head Alchemist of the Valley. This is where every major potion is brewed, where hungry cats can get some food or injuries are treated. The Wizard takes good care of the Valley Cats and in return the Valley Cats help the wizard whenever they can.

The Village

Many twolegs live inside of the Village and at the same time most of the Valley Cats chose to set up their living quaters here. They live in the savety among the twolegs while still keeping their magic traits for themselves. The Villagers accept that the stray cats around them are just that: strays. They don't force them inside of houses but still give them food whenever they feel like it. Around the Village a lot of valuble red and blue crystals grow from the ground which the cats collect and bring to the head Alchemist as payment for his potions.