Computer Charity Project

The Computer Charity Project started as just tinkering with computers. The local Surplus sold a number of old, retired PCs from the university it was connected to and I bought a few of them for fun. I thought it would be interesting to get them running again and find a use for them. Then, during my time at Evergreen State College, I noticed some students were in need of a home computer so they wouldn't have to spend all night at the library. From there it turned into an idea: what if this is what I do with these old computers? They aren't the best or newest, but a computer is a computer. They run, they connect to the internet, they process word documents. They're a "starter computer", if you will, something that will work until money is saved for a newer one. During these Pandemic times, this project has become even more important to me.

Currently my supply is limited to the computers already complete in my house since Surplus is now closed, but if you'd be interested in donating your own old computers to this cause, please fill out the form below.

Please also feel free to email me at if you have some extra mice, keyboards, monitors, or webcams to donate. Webcams would be especially valuable right now, given the frequency of Zoom meetings. My hopes is that I am able to deliver the computers fully functioning and with all the basic supplies needed for it to run.