How To Clean Cat Pee ?

How To Clean Cat Pee ? - There is no doubt that the idea of ​​Breeding a cat at home is a good idea , whereas breeding cats is the perfect choice for everyone who is obsessed with animals , this is because cats are cute, peaceful pets. Except that it is among the downsides of having a cat is a problem that he urinates out of his litter box frequently ,Whether this is of his own free will or due to health problems such as urinary tract infection ,therefore, the smell of urine scattered everywhere and seeing your bed or the floor of your room moistened with urine pools is absolutely not desirable, and it is imperative that you clean it quickly so that your cat does not have urine in those places again.. and in this article I will give you some effective ways to clean your cat's urine and get rid of its stinking smell..

How To Clean Cat Pee

First, before I show you the correct way to clean your cat's urine(pee) , and get rid of the stench of urinating throughout the house ,I'm going to start by explaining to you the most important reasons why your cat urinates everywhere in the house instead of using his litter box.

1)- Reasons for your cat's aversion to using its litter box :

One of the most important problems you may encounter with your cat is that your cat urinates outside of his litter box ,Contrary to what he was doing previously ,,Where you will notice a significant change in your cat's behavior, and this is due to several reasons, which we will mention as follows :

  • Replace the litter box place with another place :

Changing the location of your cat's litter box will keep her away from using it, due to the change in your cat's daily routine, and as a result, the cat will urinate everywhere.

  • The litter box is not clean :

Among the things that bothers cats is that the litter box becomes dirty and stinky ,since if the cat notices that the litter box has become too stinky, it is normal for him to stop using it .

  • Using one litter box for a long time without replacing it :

On the other hand, using a single litter box for a long time makes the cat get tired of it and avoids using it, so you will notice that your cat urinates everywhere in the house, except for his litter box.

  • The need to increase the number of litter boxes for your cat :

Being satisfied with one cat litter box may not be enough for him, Especially if the cat is not adequately trained ,An increase in the number of litter boxes will be an ideal solution to the problem of alienating your cat from its litter box.

  • When the environment changes :

When you change the place you live in, you mainly affect your cat’s behavior, as it is difficult for your cat to quickly adapt to the new living environment and thus anticipate bad behaviors from your cat, such as urine, outside of its litter box.

  • Bring a new cat to live with your old cat :

Consider that bringing a new cat to live with your old cat may cause some problems , and among which is your old cat's aversion to using his litter box,where It is known that cats do not like to share their items with each other.

  • Maybe your cat is sick :

The deterioration of your cat's health condition may make the latter not commit to using his litter box, and therefore you will notice a change in your cat's behavior and this by urinating everywhere except his litter box, and among these health problems that may affect cats is urinary tract infection, Since when your cat gets sick, it unconsciously links the disease with its litter box, and consequently alienates it.

  • New kid at home :

The cat feels very jealous if its owner becomes very interested in another person, especially if this person is a new child, and the cat converts this jealousy into bad behavior, in order to attract the attention of its owner.

There is no doubt that you are tired of cleaning your cat's urine scattered everywhere in the house and would like to train your cat to use his litter box and only urinate in it !

Well, do not worry, I have always suffered from this problem with my cat, but after reading this guide (Click on the image below),my cat became urinated only in his litter box and thus saved a great effort.

How To Clean Cat Pee

2)-Some ways to clean your cat pee (urine) and remove its bad smell:

How To Clean Cat Pee ?

Whatever the reason your cat is alienated from using his litter box ,and he urinates all over the house (carpet, your bedroom, sofa, furniture),You have two options, either to review the content of the link that I will list below ,That will only make your cat urinate in his litter box without needing to urinate outside,Thus saving a lot of effort you put in cleaning up urine stains throughout your home,and All you have to do is press the next yellow button :

as for the second option is effective and ideal methods that helps you clean your cat’s urine(pee),as well as eliminating the smell of his urine, which is as follows:

1- How to clean your cat's pee (urine) on clothes and fabric and remove its smell :

Put dirty clothes in the washing machine with the usual washing powder with adding a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar, then after washing the clothes and drying them well, the smell will be completely hidden.

2- How to clean your cat's pee (urine) on floors and get rid of its smell :

Make a cleaning solution that consists of 3 cups of warm water and a cup of white vinegar,and pour this solution onto the area where your cat urinated ,Then wipe the area thoroughly with the towels, Vinegar is equivalent to the smell of ammonia from cat urine.

3- How to clean your cat's pee (urine) from the carpet and get rid of its smell :

It is not easy to clean your cat's urine sprinkled on the carpet and thus difficult to get rid of its smell, but you must quickly put towels or paper towels to absorb your cat's urine as much as possible before the carpet is saturated with it.

After that,prepare a cleaning solution that consists of a cup of warm water and a cup of white vinegar and pour it over the area and leave it for 15 minutes,and then apply paper towels to absorb excess cleaning fluid.

In the next step, pour a little baking soda onto the area where your cat urinated ,and then mix the oxygen water(concentration 3%) with a spoonful of dishwashing liquid,then, using a cleaning brush, rub the area until the urine stain is completely removed from the carpet ,Then with a vacuum cleaner, suction the rest of the baking soda powder.

2,1)-How to remove urine (pee) odor after cleaning :

Because the urine smells strong and pungent, it may reappear even after cleaning your cat's urine,And to get rid of the effects of that disturbing smell, Use ground coffee and put it where your cat urinated overnight, and the coffee will absorb all of the smell.

You can also use charcoal to absorb the annoying scent of your cat's urine. Charcoal can be placed behind furniture, underneath bedding, or in rooms and replace charcoal every week.

3)-Some other ways to clean cats urine and eliminate its bad smell :

How To Clean Cat Pee ?

The first way :

Apply several layers of towels to the urine area and continue to stand on top of it to absorb as much urine as possible.

You can add a little water and repeat the same step by standing on the towels to suction as much water and moisture as possible.

In the case that the place is dry and the smell of cat urine scattered in it,You can use what is called black light by passing it on the carpet.You will find that the location of dry urine contains shiny crystals.

The second way :

You can use Bicarbonate of soda or cornstarch to get rid of urine odor,and this is done as follows :

-Apply a significant amount of Bicarbonate of soda or cornstarch to the area where your cat has urinated to cover it completely .

-Rub the Bicarbonate of soda or cornstarch onto the area with a scrub brush.

-Allow the product to absorb a large amount of your cat's urine, in a period of at least 24 hours.

-Use a vacuum cleaner after 24 hours to remove Bicarbonate of soda or cornstarch.

  • important note :

In the event that the results of the previous method are not satisfactory to you, we advise you to follow the following steps:

-Make a paste consisting of Bicarbonate of soda or cornstarch by mixing one of the ingredients with a little water and rubbing the dough on the area where your cat urinates.

-Let the dough dry at night and in the morning. Use the vacuum cleaner to get rid of as much dough as possible.

The third way :

Use a mixture of peroxide, baking soda and dishwasher to get rid of the smell,for this we advise you to follow the following steps:

-Mix the hydrogen peroxide and baking soda with a few drops of dishwasher.

-Pour the solution into an airbrush and rub it over the stain with a brush or sponge.

-Allow the solution to penetrate for 20 minutes.

important note :

To make a hydrogen peroxide solution, mix the following ingredients in a spray:

  1. 236.6 ml of hydrogen peroxide .

  2. 3 tablespoons of baking soda.

  3. 2-3 drops of dishwasher

The fourth way:

If you have a problem with dry spots and want to get rid of them,all you have to do is paint the area where your cat has urinated,with a little ammonia mixed with cold water,and to do this, follow the steps below :

-Mix two tablespoons of ammonia with each cup of cold water .

-Spray the dirty area with the airbrush to completely cover it.

-Rub the area with a brush .

-Wait more than 40 minutes before pouring the hydrogen peroxide solution onto the stain.

The fifth way :

Use warm water to clean the area where your cat has urinated with a water-based vacuum,We also note that you should not use hot water or any type of steam treatment.

The sixth way :

Try using enzyme-based detergents, as these detergents contain vital enzymes that break down proteins in the urine, reducing or eliminating odor completely.

If you want to train your cat to use its litter box ,And you are trying to get rid of his annoying behavior ,Like urinating everywhere in the house,All you have to do is follow the directions outlined in this guide :

Click the blue button below :

4)-some advices :

  1. Make sure to clean your urine stains well and try to repeat the process several times.

  2. Try using enzyme cleaners to get rid of your cat's urine,As it is often that cats can smell urine smell that you cannot smell and thus you will return to urinating in the same place.

  3. Try to buy detergents for cat litter from your nearest store. If you can't do this, try mixing vinegar with water to get rid of the smell.

  4. If you do not have much experience in cleaning or dealing with urine stains on your furniture or luxurious carpet and all you have to do is hire a professional in this field.

  5. Try exposing your clothes or rugs to sunlight, in order to eliminate the odor of your cat's urine,But do not exaggerate in that, as sunlight leads to fading of colors.