
Ongoing projects:


EnergyWise is an interdisciplinary project aiming to synthesise and assess the most important impacts on society, economy, climate, and nature from the renewable energy expansion in Norway. The project will further integrate these impacts as costs/benefits or sustainability constraints in the national energy system model framework called TIMES.

With the expansions of the model made in the EnergyWise project, the TIMES framework will be used to analyse trade-offs and distributional effects of renewable energy expansion scenarios and recommend efficient and acceptable policies that can achieve a better balance between different interests.

Funder: Norwegian Research Council (project number 344392)

The green transition: Instrument design, employment and long-lived capital

The green transition involves a significant restructuring of the economy. Existing emission-intensive production capacity must be replaced by less polluting means of production, with associated job losses in emission-intensive industries and the phasing out of real capital in sectors being restructured or closed.

This project investigates environmental policy instruments that facilitate the green transition, with attention to employment, replacement of real capital and carbon leakage. The focus is on the medium-run, using dynamic models including explicit modelling of employment and sluggish supply structures.

The project will address three main topics:

Our methodological approach is rooted in economics and combines economic theory with numerical modelling and econometrics.