Catholic Prayer and Healing Ministry 

South San Mateo County 

Archdiocese of San Francisco

About Us

There are a lot of avenues in pastoral care involvement, one of which is hospital ministry. In this pastoral endeavor, life’s pain and suffering are profoundly magnified. Nevertheless, this pastoral work is not only for ordained ministers like priests, deacons, and any other religious men and women. But this calling for pastoral care engagement is open to all Catholic devotees with a heart and compassion for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are longing for support, prayers, and sympathy amidst their life’s sufferings and adversities.

Thus, in South San Mateo County, a pastoral ministry was designed and started for the community to pray, visit, and support our sick brothers and sisters in the hospital. We have a group of volunteers, Pastoral Care Ministers/ Eucharistic Ministers, who comes and visits our sick brothers and sisters in the hospitals; And we have a group of devotees who serves as Prayer Warriors. These groups of Catholic devotees work collaboratively to provide spiritual care support to our brothers and sisters, either by providing Holy Communion while in the hospitals or praying with or for them amidst their struggles and difficulties in life. Our Prayer Warriors receive an assigned name to pray for healing in a one-to-one approach for nine consecutive days with specific intercessions of our saints.

In addition, we gather and celebrate a Healing Mass every third Friday of the month at 6 pm. The Celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is always the summit of all the prayers and sacraments. Henceforth, we offer all petitions for healing in the mass. Our Catholic devotees participate actively and experience the genuine love, compassion, mercy, and healing of our Lord Jesus Christ through the works and power of the Holy Spirit.

I am humbly praying that this website will open a channel for our sick brothers and sisters to request prayers and petitions for healing of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is faithful to his promise to us, as He said, “Behold, I will bring to it health and healing, and I will heal them and reveal to them abundance of prosperity and security.” (Jeremiah 33:6)

Please join me supporting the Catholic Church’s advocacy for mercy and healing. In our little way, we can be partakers in Jesus’ Divine Plan as we all embrace our calling to care and love for our brothers and sisters, who are in dire spiritual desolation. 

May Almighty God continue to bless, protect, and heal us all.

Pax Christi,

Fr. Ernie Jandonero, BCC

Catholic Priest Hospital Chaplain

Kaiser Permanente Hospital and Sequoia Hospital

Redwood City, California

Bible Passages and Healing Prayer

Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for you are my praise. (Jeremiah 17:14)

He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By His wounds you have been healed. (1Peter 2:24)

A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. (Proverbs 17:22)

And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. (James 5:15)

Healing Prayer by Padre Pio

Heavenly Father, I thank you for loving me.
I thank you for sending your Son,
Our Lord Jesus Christ, to the world to save and to set me free.
I trust in your power and grace that sustain and restore me.
Loving Father,
touch me now with your healing hands,
for I believe that your will is for me to be well in mind, body, soul and spirit.
Cover me with the most precious blood of your Son,
our Lord, Jesus Christ from the top of my head to the soles of my feet.
Cast anything that should not be in me.
Root out any unhealthy and abnormal cells.
Open any blocked arteries or veins and rebuild and replenish any damaged areas.
Remove all inflammation and cleanse any infection
by the power of Jesus’ precious blood.
Let the fire of your healing love pass through my entire body
to heal and make new any diseased areas
so that my body will function the way you created it to function.
Touch also my mind and my emotion,
even the deepest recesses of my heart.
Saturate my entire being with your presence,
love, joy and peace and draw me ever closer to you every moment of my life.
And Father, fill me with your Holy Spirit
and empower me to do your works
so that my life will bring glory and honour to your holy name.
I ask this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. 


Prayer for Inner Healing

Dear Lord Jesus, please come and heal my wound and troubled heart.

I beg you to heal the torments that are causing anxiety in my life. I beg you,

In a particular way, to heal the underlying source of my sinfulness. I beg you to

Come into my life and heal the psychological harms that struck me in my childhood

And from the injuries they have caused throughout my life.

Lord Jesus, you know my burdens. I lay them on your Good Shepherd’s Heart.

I beseech you - by the merits of the great open wound in your heart - to heal the small

Wounds that are in mine. Heal my memories so that nothing that has happened to me 

Will cause me to remain in pain and anguish, filled with anxiety.

Heal, O Lord, all those wounds that have been the cause of evil that is rooted in

My life. I want to forgive those who have offended me. Look to those inner sores that make

Me unable to forgive. You who came to forgive the afflicted of heart, please heal my wounded

And troubled heart.

Heal, O Lord Jesus, all those intimate wounds that are the root cause of my physical illness.

I offer you my heart. Accept it, Lord,  purify it, and give me the sentiments of your Divine Heart.

Heal me, O Lord, from the pain caused by the death of my loved ones. Grant me to regain

Peace and joy in the knowledge that you are the Resurrection and the Life. Make me an

Authentic witness to your resurrection, your victory over sin and death, and your loving presence

Among all men. 


(By Rev. Gabriele Amorth, An Exorcist Tells His Story, pp. 201-202)

Healing Mass Schedule

"Come to me, all who are weary and find life burdensome, And I will refresh you. Take my yoke upon your shoulders, And learn from me, for I am gentle and humble of heart. Your souls will find rest, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light." 

Matthew 11:28-30



Every 3rd Friday of the month @ 6 pm 

Proposed dates for 2023: 

Dec. 15, 2023 

Jan. 19. 2024 

Feb. 16, 2024 

Mar. 15, 2024 

April 19, 2024

For Inquiries: Contact Fr. Ernie Jandonero -



Our advocacy is to pray specifically for the sick. Our ministry focuses on a one to one approach for those that are facing specific health challenges.  Please provide the name (at least first name and last initial) along with the specific health challenge of the person in need of prayer. Any information you share will be kept in privacy, and will help us us pray for you or you loved one

Request for Prayer


“How did you experience God’s love and healing through this prayerful ministry?”