
Recent Published Work 

(My dissertation!) Bowman, Catherine. 2019. Flexible Workers, Fissured Workplaces: Cultural Exchange For Hire in an Era of Precarious Labor." 

Bowman, Catherine. 2019. “The Rise of the J-1 Summer Work Travel Program and its Links to Youth Unemployment” in The Crisis in Global Youth Unemployment, edited by Tamar Mayer, Sujata Moorti, and Jamie McCallum. New York, NY: Routledge.

Bowman, Catherine and Bair, Jennifer. 2017. “From Cultural Sojourner to Temporary Migrant Worker? The Historical Transformation and Contemporary Significance of the J-1 Visa Summer Work Travel Program. Labor History, 58(1): 1-25.

Medige, Patricia and Bowman, Catherine. 2012. “U.S. Anti-trafficking Policy and the J-1 Visa Program: The State Department’s Challenge from Within.” Intercultural Human Rights Law Review 7: 103-145.

In Progress

"You've Got to Respect the Contract": Stories of Privilege and Vulnerability Among Cultural Exchange Workers

The J-1 Summer Work Travel Program: A Poster Child of the Fissured Workplace?

The Political Economy of the Cultural Exchange Industry: A Call for Joint Liability

Recent Invited Talks/Presentations 

American Sociological Association 2020 Annual Meeting, Occupations & the Organization of Work Invited Roundtable, "The J-1 Summer Work Travel Program: A Poster Child of the Fissured Workplace?," August 10, 2020.

Law and Society Association, 2020 Pre-Conference on Citizenship, '"You've Got to Respect the Contract": Stories of Privilege and Vulnerability Among Cultural Exchange Workers,' May 27, 2020.