Leading Edge Online & Blended Learning Portfolio
This website is my portfolio for Leading Edge Certification in Blended and Online Learning. It is organized to reflect the eight modules of the course by topic. Each page includes an overview of the modules, assignments and reflections.
About the Course
This website is my portfolio for Leading Edge Certification in Blended and Online Learning. It is organized to reflect the eight modules of the course by topic. Each page includes an overview of the modules, assignments and reflections. Please see the About Me page for more information and see below for social media links.
Information about Leading Edge Certification in Blended and Online Learning
Leading Edge Certification in Blended and Online Learning
The website for this course states:
Launched in 2011, Online & Blended Teacher Certification has undergone its 3rd total update and guides educators through a curriculum based on the iNACOL National Standards for Online Teaching and the iNACOL Blended Teacher Competency Framework. Upon successful completion, the certification will give schools, districts and other prospective employers assurance that Leading Edge Certified Online & Blended Teachers not only have the skills to effectively facilitate online and blended courses, but also have a solid understanding of how to enhance the learning opportunities for all students enrolled in their courses.
Further information from the site states:
Leading Edge Certification is the first program of its kind to provide a national certification in educational technology that is both platform and vendor neutral. The content and curriculum of Leading Edge Certification is freely available via a Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution, Share-Alike license (CC BY-SA).
Leading Edge Certification supports the #GoOpen Campaign from the Office of Educational Technology at the U.S. Department of Education.
Why This Course?
I began this course originally because I thought I should do some sort of professional learning to advance my skills. I like the idea of having certifications or micro-credentials that show advanced learning. I would like to do more of the Leading Edge Certifications. I chose this topic to start with as I hope some day to be an Online Teacher. I thought I knew about this topic, but I knew I had a lot more to learn. I found this course fun, stimulating and informative. I enjoyed all the modules and found they related to teaching my current classes. None of the classes I teach now are online, but they are slowly becoming more blended. I particularly see the benefit of a blended setting allowing my students to advance in projects at their own pace.
Please go the About Me page or the links below to contact me and learn more.