Catechism Induction Checklist

Topics Covered in Catechism Meeting

  • Orthodox Creed
    • Why is it important for us
    • Overview of the topics
      • The Trinity
      • Salvation
      • Church
  • Tradition in the Church
    • Where does the Bible fit in the Church
    • Why is it important to keep the Tradition
    • What are the sources of the Tradition that the Church relies on
  • Salvation
    • Why do we need salvation
    • The story of Salvation
  • Sacraments
    • What are they
    • What are their functions
  • Intercession of the Saints
    • Who are the saints
    • Why do we ask for their intercessions
  • Fasts and Feasts
  • Means of prayers
  • History
    • Birth of the Church
    • The Three Eucmenical Councils
    • Council of Chalcedon
    • Arab Conquest
    • Modern Day
  • Iconography and Art


Getting Closer to Baptism/Chrismation

  • Begin practicing the sacrament of Repentance and Confession
  • Adopt a Spiritual Canon (daily bible reading, prayer from the Book of Hours, personal prayer, fasting) with the guidance of your Father Confessor

Prep for Day of Baptism

  • Abstain from food from midnight (11:59 p.m. the night before).
  • Report to church at the time determined by your priest.
  • Bring two bath towels and clothes that you'll wear after baptism.
  • Men, women, and children (non-infants) will wear a deacon's vestment (tonia) and will be immersed in the water while wearing the tonia.
  • After baptism and chrismation, the priest will place a red ribbon diagonally around your neck and waist.
  • You will attend the Divine Liturgy and be the first in line to partake of the Body and Blood. It's the tradition of the Church that the newly baptized is the first to take the Holy Communion.
  • At the end of the Divine Liturgy, you will walk in a procession led by the deacons around the church while holding a candle. The priest will read a commentary, loosen the ribbon and dismiss you.