Registration and short talks proposal

Registration is mandatory for all conference participants, please fill the form below before the 24-04-2023.

A conference fee of 70 euro is requested. The social dinner will be offered to all participants.

The conference fee has to be paid through bank transfer to:

  • Beneficiary: Associazione Culturale GIMAT

  • IBAN: IT45T0200816931000105390228

The receipt of the payment has to be attached to the registration form below.

If you are interested to give a short communication, send (before 24-03-2023) name, surname, affiliation, title and abstract of your proposal to the following email address

There is limited availability of financial support intended for early-career researchers that cannot benefit from other sources of funding. If you want to apply for it, contact us at the email address above.

After the submission of the form you should receive a confirmation via mail (check the spam).