Catalina Vallejos

Contact details

Email: cvallejos 'at'

Twitter: @CataVallejosM

Google Scholar

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I am a Chancellor's Fellow at the MRC Human Genetics Unit (University of Edinburgh) and a Fellow of The Alan Turing Institute

I lead a Biomedical Data Science research group, developing novel Bayesian statistical methodology and open source software that is motivated by high-dimensional biomedical data with complex structure. Currently, our work focuses on two main areas: 

Developing computational tools that can make full advantage of the rich information provided by these data sources is expected to improve our understanding of health and disease, playing an important role in precision medicine initiatives.

Get in touch if you would like to discuss available opportunities and potential collaborations.

For software, please visit my Github repository


27 Jan Launch event for RSS Computational Statistics and Machine Learning group

19 Jan Presenting at the Statistics seminar (Brunel) 

Short CV

Before moving to Edinburgh, I was a Research Fellow at The Alan Turing Institute and at the UCL Department of Statistical Science. As part of my Fellowship, I was also a Group Leader within the Lloyds Register Foundation-Turing Programme on Data-Centric Engineering (until Nov 2017). 

Before joining the Turing (October 2016), I was a joint Postdoctoral Researcher as part of the research groups led by Prof Sylvia Richardson (MRC Biostatistics Unit, University of Cambridge) and Dr John Marioni (EMBL European Bioinformatics Institute & Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute). My research focused on the development, implementation and application of Bayesian statistical methodology in the context of single cell gene expression data.

Before moving to Cambridge, I was a PhD student at the Department of Statistics of the University of Warwick, under the supervision of Prof Mark Steel. My PhD thesis covered theoretical and practical aspects of Bayesian inference and survival analysis. Previously, I did a BSc in Mathematics (Statistics track, Minor in Economics) at the Faculty of Mathematics of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Additionally, I completed a MSc in Statistics at the same university. My dissertation project related to long memory time times, under the supervision of Prof Wilfredo Palma.

Postal address: The Alan Turing Institute, British Library, 96 Euston Road, NW1 2DB, London