
job market paper


Peer-reviewed Publications

Based on fine-grained data on short-term accommodations for the city of Barcelona, we review the uneven impact of the pandemic on the short-term market, differentiating the supply by type of accommodation: single room versus entire flat/house, and type of host: professionalized versus non-professionalized. Using a fixed effects approach at property level, we estimate an average decrease in prices of 11.3% in entire flat/house and 4.7% in single rooms. For professionalized supply, the effect arrived to 13.6% and 9.8%, respectively. Finally, a growth in minimum stay was experienced by all types, but with a stronger effect on professionalized accommodations. We suggest that the supply adaptation strategy to accommodate the decreasing demand, especially by professionalized hosts, was to attract a more stable demand coupled with lower prices and longer stays. In addition, the type of short-term supply that experienced the strongest drop in occupancy was the non-professionalized segment, loosing around 41% of their bookings between April 2020 and January 2021. 

Llaneza Hesse, C. & Raya Vílchez, JM. (2022). The effect of COVID-19 on the peer-to-peer rental market. Tourism Economics: 28(1) 222–247

Using data from Spain, we show the impact of significant health-sector budget cuts introduced in 2012 on the rates of cesarean sections and on infant health outcomes at birth, which we use as a proxy for the quality of birth centers. Exploiting a difference-in-differences fixed-effects approach at the hospital level, we estimate a 3% increase in C-sections as a result of the budget restrictions, with no significant consequences on health outcomes at birth. Given the additional evidence in the literature on the negative short- and long-term effects of non-medically indicated C-sections, our paper provides important policy implications for population health. 

Bertoli, P., Grembi, V. Llaneza, C. & Vall, J. (2020). The effect of budget cuts on C-section rates and birth outcomes: Evidence from Spain. Social Science &. Medicine: 256-113419.

Working papers And other publications

Garcia, J., Llaneza, C. and Raya, J. (2023).  El sector de la construcción i promoció a l'economia catalana: contribució al PIB, a l'ocupació i als ingressos fiscals.  APCE-UPF. 

Garcia Villar, J., Llaneza Hesse, C. and Raya, JP. (2022). Estimación de la demanda solvente de vivienda nueva en Cataluña y sus provincias. APCE-UPF.

The project aims to leverage vacant private property to build up a cooperative affordable housing scheme in the context of the Urban Innovative Actions (UIA), an Initiative of the European Union that provides urban areas throughout Europe with resources to test new and unproven solutions to address urban challenges 

Hernandez, H., Llaneza, C. and Raya, JM. (2022). Impact evaluation of Lloguem! an UIA innovative housing project implemented in Mataró, Spain. 

Llaneza, C. Vall Castelló, J. (2018): "Economic evaluations on interventions to reduce road traffic injuries: A literature review"

Research and projects in progress