Catalina Lauer

Economics PhD Candidate, GSEFM Frankfurt


PhD Economics Candidate , GSEFM, Germany

MSc Economics, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile


Student Assistant, Data center, SAFE Leibniz Institute of Finance, 2023- Present     


Research Assistant, Centro de Economía y Política Regional (Center for Economics and Regional Policy), Adolfo Ibáñez University, 2018 –   2021

Consultant in project “Gaps between demand and supply of early Childhood Education in Chile” for the Education Ministry in Chile, 2020


Research Assistant in “Territorial Inequalities and Gender Gaps: How Does the Territory Affect Investment Decisions in Advanced Human Capital?” UNAB projects with gender perspective. 

Research assistant in “Understanding Low Female Labor Force Participation in Chile: Causes and Consequences” Fondecyt Iniciación # 11180694


Research assistant in “Policy Analysis on Growth and Development” (PAGE-II) research program. Partnership for Economic Policy (PEP)


Research assistant in “Effects of longer school days in risky behaviors in adolescents in Chile” (Efecto de la extensión de la jornada escolar en comportamientos riesgosos de adolescentes en Chile), Mini Coes


Master’s Thesis with the Project “Immigrants in the chilean education system. Gender, language, territory and social exclusion representations” (Inmigrantes en el sistema educacional de Chile. Representaciones de género, lengua, territorialidad y exclusión social), Anillo de Ciencias Sociales SOC 1401, CONICYT, Chile

Scholarships and awards:

DAAD research grant 2022-present