Grief Support
Grief Group: Held at Santa Catalina Catholic Church, call 520-825-9611 for more information.
Grief Groups: Everyone experiences loss at some point in their lives. These groups are formed at least yearly to assist those in need of support with an eight session series. Call Vista de la Moñtana United Methodist Church, 520-825-1985.
GriefShare: Support group that meets weekly for 13 weeks. The meetings consist of three key elements to help with grief recovery. There is a video segment featuring in-depth interviews with leading experts on grief recovery topics, facilitated small group discussions and a workbook for individual study and application. For more information contact Community Church at SaddleBrooke, 520-825-5394.
Prayer Shawl Ministries: Ladies meet to knit or crochet shawls for those who are grieving or who are ill or home-bound. Contact Santa Catalina Catholic Church, 520-825-9611 or Community Church at SaddleBrooke, 520-825-5394.
“Stephen Ministry”: Lay people specially trained to be a compassionate friend to those going through grief or loss. Contact Santa Catalina Catholic Church, 520-825-9611 or Vista de la Moñtana United Methodist Church, 520-825-1985.