Illness Guidelines

Illness Guidelines, Terms and Conditions 

The following is an outline of the terms and conditions that will be following during the preschool year. We ask for your patience and understanding that these conditions may change , please read through the details below.

Castles and Dreams Preschool will continue to follow Prairie Valley School Division, the Saskatchewan Health Authority and the Government of Saskatchewan policies and guidelines related to illness prevention and precautions.

By sending your child to preschool, you attest to that they are in general good health. Please do not send your child to preschool while sick. 

If your child displays any illness symptoms during preschool classes, you will be notified and requested to pick your child up. 

Social distancing with children of preschool age is not to be expected.  This includes interaction between the teacher, substitute teacher, parent volunteers, and the children. Should your child require comfort for any reason, we will provide it to them in a nurturing way.  While we promote good hygiene in the classroom, we will not discourage children from interacting with each other in an age appropriate manner, conducive to their learning.

Thank you for your understanding and flexibility.

Castles and Dreams Preschool Board