You can start Cassandra with sudo service cassandra start and stop it with sudo service cassandra stop. However, normally the service will start automatically. For this reason be sure to stop it if you need to make any configuration changes.

Please note that official RPMs for Apache Cassandra only have been available recently and are not tested thoroughly on all platforms yet. We appreciate your feedback and support and ask you to post details on any issues in the corresponding Jira ticket.

Cassandra Download 3.11 4


This is not an exhaustive list of operating system platforms, nor is itprescriptive. However, users will be well-advised to conduct exhaustivetests of their own particularly for less-popular distributions of Linux.Deploying on older versions is not recommended unless you have previousexperience with the older distribution in a production environment.

Install the latest version of Java 8 or Java 11, either theOracleJava Standard Edition 8 / Oracle Java Standard Edition 11 (Long Term Support)or OpenJDK 8 / OpenJDK 11. Toverify that you have the correct version of java installed, typejava -version.

For most users, installing the binary tarball is also a simple choice.The tarball unpacks all its contents into a single location withbinaries and configuration files located in their own subdirectories.The most obvious attribute of the tarball installation is it does notrequire root permissions and can be installed on any Linuxdistribution.

Packaged installations require root permissions, and are most appropriate forproduction installs.Install the RPM build on CentOS and RHEL-based distributions if you want toinstall Cassandra using YUM.Install the Debian build on Ubuntu and other Debian-baseddistributions if you want to install Cassandra using APT.Note that both the YUM and APT methods required root permissions andwill install the binaries and configuration files as the cassandra OS user.

Add the Apache repository of Cassandra to the filecassandra.sources.list.The latest major version is {41_version} and the corresponding distribution name is 41x (with an "x" as the suffix).For older releases use:

Add the Apache repository of Cassandra to the file/etc/yum.repos.d/cassandra.repo (as the root user).The latest major version is {41_version} and the corresponding distribution name is 41x (with an "x" as the suffix).For older releases use:

Apache Cassandra 3.0 was originally released in November of 2015. Its last minor release, Cassandra 3.11, was introduced in June of 2017. Since then users have awaited a major upgrade to this popular wide column NoSQL database. On July 27, 2021, Apache Cassandra 4.0 was finally released. For the open source NoSQL community, this long-awaited upgrade is a significant milestone. Kudos to everyone involved in its development and testing!

In our test setup, which we will describe in greater detail below, Cassandra 4.0 showed a 25% improvement for a write-only disk-intensive workload and 33% improvements for cases of read-only with either a low or high cache hit rate. Otherwise max throughput between the two Cassandra releases was relatively similar.

Outside of sheer performance, we tested a wide range of administrative operations, from adding nodes, doubling a cluster, node removal, and compaction, all of them under emulated production load. Cassandra 4.0 improves these admin operation times up to 34%.

The actual benchmarking is a series of simple invocations of cassandra-stress with CL=QUORUM. For 30 minutes we keep firing 10,000 requests per second and monitor the latencies. Then we increase the request rate by another 10,000 for another 30 min, and so on. (20,000 in case of larger throughputs). The procedure repeats until the DB is no longer capable of withstanding the traffic, i.e. until cassandra-stress cannot achieve the desired throughput or until the 90-percentile latencies exceed 1 second.

In this scenario we issue queries that touch partitions randomly drawn from a narrow Gaussian distribution. We make an Ansatz about the bell curve: we assume that its six-sigma spans the RAM of the cluster (corrected for the replication factor). The purpose of this experiment is to model a realistic workload, with a substantial cache hit ratio but less than 100%, because most of our users observe the figures of 60-90%. We expect Cassandra to perform well in this scenario because its key cache is dense, i.e. it efficiently stores data in RAM, though it relies on SSTables stored in the OS page cache which can be heavyweight to look up.

The 90- and 99-percentile latencies of UPDATE queries, as measured on three i3.4xlarge machines (48 vCPUs in total) in a range of load rates. Workload is uniformly distributed, i.e. every partition in the 1 TB dataset has an equal chance of being updated. C*3 quickly becomes nonoperational, C*4 is a little better, achieving up to 50k/ops.

The 90- and 99-percentile latencies of SELECT queries, as measured on three i3.4xlarge machines (48 vCPUs in total) in a range of load rates. Workload is uniformly distributed, i.e. every partition in the 1 TB dataset has an equal chance of being selected. C*4 serves 90% of queries in a

The 90- and 99-percentile latencies of UPDATE queries, as measured on three i3.4xlarge machines (48 vCPUs in total) in a range of load rates. Workload is uniformly distributed, i.e. every partition in the 1 TB dataset has an equal chance of being selected/updated. C*3 can barely maintain sub-second P90s at 40k ops, and not P99s. C*4 almost achieved single-digit latencies in the P90 range, and had P99s in the low hundreds of milliseconds.

The 90- and 99-percentile latencies of SELECT queries, as measured on three i3.4xlarge machines (48 vCPUs in total) in a range of load rates. Workload is uniformly distributed over 60 GB of data, so that every partition resides in cache and has an equal chance of being selected. C*4 can achieve 80k ops before becoming functionally non-performant, whereas C*3 can only achieve 60k ops. C*4 can also maintain single digit millisecond latencies for P99s up to 40k ops, whereas C*3 quickly exceeds that latency threshold even at 20k ops.

The 90- and 99-percentile latencies of UPDATE queries, as measured on three i3.4xlarge machines (48 vCPUs in total) in a range of load rates. Workload is uniformly distributed over 60 GB of data, so that every partition resides in cache and has an equal chance of being selected/updated. C*4 can maintain single-digit long-tail latencies up to 40k ops. C*3 can only maintain single-digit P90 latencies at half that rate (20k ops) and quickly rises into hundreds of milliseconds for P90/P99 latencies at 40k ops. Both C*4 and C*3 fail to achieve reasonable latencies beyond those ranges.

The 90- and 99-percentile latencies of SELECT queries, as measured on three i3.4xlarge machines (48 vCPUs in total) in a range of load rates. Workload is uniformly distributed over 60 GB of data, so that every partition resides in cache and has an equal chance of being selected/updated. C*4 and C*3 can only maintain single-digit millisecond long-tail latencies at 20k ops throughput (and C*3 only for P90; its P99s are already in the hundreds of milliseconds even at 20k ops). C*4 can achieve single digit P90 latencies at 40k ops, but P99 latencies rise into double-digit milliseconds.

Beyond the speed of raw performance, users have day-to-day administrative operations they need to perform: including adding a node to a growing cluster, or replacing a node that has died. The following tests benchmarked performance around these administrative tasks.

The timeline of adding 3 nodes to an already existing 3-node cluster (ending up with six i3.4xlarge machines), doubling the size of the cluster. Cassandra 4 exhibited a 12% speed improvement over Cassandra 3.

In this benchmark, we measured how long it took to add a new node to the cluster. The reported times are the intervals between starting a Cassandra node and having it fully finished bootstrapping (CQL port open).

Cassandra 4.0 is equipped with a new feature, Zero Copy Streaming (ZCS), which basically allows efficient streaming of entire SSTables. An SSTable is eligible for ZCS if all of its partitions need to be transferred, which can be the case when LeveledCompactionStrategy (LCS) is enabled. Willing to demonstrate this feature, we run the next benchmarks with the usual SizeTieredCompactionStrategy (STCS) compared to LCS since the first cannot benefit from zero copy streaming.

In this benchmark, we measured how long it took to double the cluster node count: we go from 3 nodes to 6 nodes. Three new nodes were added sequentially, i.e. waiting for the previous one to fully bootstrap before starting the next one. The reported time spans from the instant the startup of the first new node is initiated, all the way until the bootstrap of the third new node finishes.

Apache Cassandra 4.0 performance is undeniably better than Apache Cassandra 3.11. It improved latencies under almost all conditions, and could often sustain noticeably improved throughputs. As well, it sped up the process of streaming, which is very useful in administrative operations.

Apache and Apache Cassandra are either registered trademarks or trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation in the United States and/or other countries. Amazon DynamoDB and Dynamo Accelerator are trademarks of, Inc. No endorsements by The Apache Software Foundation or, Inc. are implied by the use of these marks.

This means that it is possible to upgrade directly from Cassandra 3.11.13 to 4.1. However, our general recommendation is to always upgrade to the latest minor patch before upgrading to the next compatible major version to make sure that the nodes have the fixes for known issues.

Wide Partitions in Cassandra can put tremendous pressure on the java heap and garbage collector, impact read latencies, and can cause issues ranging from load shedding and dropped messages to crashed and downed nodes.

While the theoretical limit on the number of cells per Partition has always been two billion cells, the reality has been quite different, as the impacts of heap pressure show. To mitigate these problems, the community has offered a standard recommendation for Cassandra users to keep Partitions under 400MB, and preferably under 100MB. 152ee80cbc

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