Overview of results by stage
Stage 1 - April 2022 - December 2022
Result of work on activities from WP2: Methods for context representation and shared context modeling.
Activity 1.1 (Context Representation):
Use of the CONSERT Meta Model to represent context information.
Presentation of a “fil rouge” scenario for the context-aware authorization of interaction with smart devices in a research laboratory.
Development of an ontology modeling the context information in the scenario, following the modeling principles of the CONSERT Meta Model.
Activity 1.2 (Shared Context Modeling):
Definition of the notion of a ContextDomainGroup, which enables the logical partitioning of context information by distinguishing between context management domains that are created along different information dimensions (e.g. spatial, activity based, organizational).
Membership in the same ContextDomainGroup constitutes the explicit modeling of sharing the context.
Conditions for granting or revoking membership are implemented using the C-SPARQL RDF stream reasoning method, allowing for temporal based reasoning in the condition formulation.
Developed and a locally-running version of the Shared Context Modeling service.
Stage 2 - January 2023 - December 2023
Results of work on activities from Methods for Access Control, Search and Discovery of Web Things (WP3) and API for Shared-Context Based Access and Discovery of Web Things in Hypermedia Agent Environments (WP4).
Activity 2.1 - WP3 (Mechanisms for shared-context based access to web resources)
Design of the explicit CASHMERE mechanism to produce context-based authorizations based on RDF stream reasoning techniques and SOLID Web Access Control specifications.
ContextDomainGroup memberships are inferred based on a combination of stream-based and ordinary SPARQL queries using the CSPARQL 2.0 query language.
Membership is modelled according to the SOLID Web Access Control authorization access mode specifications, indicating group members that are allowed access to a web resource.
Activity 2.2 - WP3 (Mechanisms for context-based search and discovery of web resources in HyperAgent environments)
Designed pathway to integrate a shared-context identification service in a hypermedia agent environment development framework. Indicated how the functionality of each existing service (authorized access, discovery and search) are altered to account for shared context.
Activity 2.3 - WP4 (API for the context-aware access and discovery of web resources in HyperAgent development frameworks)
Implement integration of the CASHMERE shared-context authorization framework with a specific HyperAgent development framework (Yggdrasil [Ciortea et al., 2018]);
Implementation of the authorization service and the framework components whose functionality is altered (e.g. the CArtAgO artifact routing service) by the existence of the shared-context authorization service.
Dissemination activities:
Enrollment in the W3C WebAgent community group and participation in two community workshop events
Participation with a position statement in the Kickoff Workshop of the WebAgents community group
Participation in a joint meeting with the W3C SOLID Working Group, whose research and development outcomes, such as WAC specifications, are used in this project
Stage 3 - January 2024 - March 2024
Results of work on activities from the final iteration of the API for Shared-Context Based Access and Discovery of Web Things in Hypermedia Agent Environments (WP4) and Development of the Demonstrative Scenario (WP5).
Activity 2.3 - WP4 (API for the context-aware access and discovery of web resources in HyperAgent development frameworks)
Designed and implemented an updated mechanism of the integration of the CASHMERE shared-context authorization framework with the Yggdrasil Hypermedia Agent Environment development framework.
Functionality update refers to the way in which context-based conditions of access to resources in an Yggdrasil platform instance are specified and enabled. The main change is the ability to distinguish and individually validate static, profiled or dynamic context-based access conditions, whose content is given as RDF graphs, through the use of SHACL Shapes. Identification of dynamically changing shared context is performed using the previously developed shared-context identification service (which makes use of RDF Stream Processing Queries).
Activity 3.1 - WP5 (Development of the Demonstrative Scenario)
Set up and developed a demo scenario for context-based authorized access to the affordances of a simulated Smart Light in a research lab. Scenario setup exemplifies use of all project contributions:
Representing content of context information
RSP query to detect a shared context situation between an agent and the smart light artifact, using the Lab308 ContextDomainGroup membership status (based on location information) as a means to validate the dynamic shared context condition
Yggdrasil context management service that uses SHACL Shapes validation to determine authorized access status
Dissemination activities:
Paper on integration between CASHMERE and Yggdrasil in preparation for EUMAS 2024
Contribution to the Manageable Affordance Task Force of the WebAgents Community Group (https://github.com/w3c-cg/webagents/issues/40) concerning use cases, requirements, challenges and proposed methods of addressing them with respect to context-based access control to individual affordances of Thing Descriptions
Our project on Github:
RSP4J Fork within the CASHMERE project implementing a prototype service and simple demonstrator for the shared context identification based on RDF stream reasoning.
A fork of the Yggdrasil Framework for Hypermedia Agent Environment development integrating the CASHMERE service for shared-context based Web Access Control
Towards context-based authorizations for interactions in Hypermedia-Driven Agent Environments - The CASHMERE framework
Disclaimer: This version of the contribution has been accepted for publication, after peer review (when applicable) but is not the Version of Record and does not reflect post-acceptance improvements, or any corrections. The Version of Record is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-48539-8_13. Use of this Accepted Version is subject to the publisher’s Accepted Manuscript terms of use https://www.springernature.com/gp/open-research/policies/accepted-manuscript-terms
Position statement submitted to the TPAC 2023 kickoff meeting of the W3C WebAgents Community Group
Paper in preparation, in a technical report style, describing a proposed mechanism to provide context-based access control to Things in Hypermedia MAS environments