Read this entire webpage for instructions for our 3/24 seminar.

Each student is first required to read Hanlon and Heitzman (2010), which is attached below.

Hanlon and Heitzman (JAE 2010).pdf
Chen, Schuchard, and Stomberg (TAR 2019).pdf

Individual Papers: Students are also required to:

  1. Select 1 of the 5 papers below, emailing the class to "claim" the paper of their choosing. The first student to claim a paper by emailing the class gets the paper. Once a paper is claimed, no other student can select that paper.

  2. Present the "claimed" paper. Presentations should be no more than 15 minutes long.

    1. Example presentations for two of my recent papers (Dhaliwal, Hoffman, Goodman, and Schwab JATA 2022; Schwab, Stomberg, and Williams 2022) are linked below. Make sure your presentation clearly addresses the following three questions: (1) What are the research questions? (2) Why are the research questions important (i.e., what is the contribution of the paper)? (3) How do the authors address those research questions (i.e., what analyses are used and what evidence do they provide)?

  3. Read the introductions to all five papers. After each student presentation, we will briefly discuss the presented paper, highlighting areas of confusion, weaknesses in the paper, and potential extensions.

Chen, Schuchard, and Stomberg (TAR 2019).pdf
Mills Nutter Schwab (TAR 2013).pdf
Fox, Jacob, Wilde, and Wilson (TAR Forthcoming).docx
Langenmayr and Lester (TAR 2018).pdf
De Simone, Lester and Markle (JAR 2020).pdf

Example presentations and the related papers are attached below. JATA now requires authors to prepare a 1-page summary. I've attached that as well for DGHS.

DGHS_Example Presentation.pptx
DGHS 1 page summary.docx
Dhaliwal, Goodman, Hoffman, and Schwab (JATA 2022).pdf
SSW_Example Presentation.pptx
Schwab, Stomberg, and Williams (TAR 2022).pdf