Journal Publications
Montzka, C., L. Brocca, H. Chen, N.N. Das, A. Dasgupta, M. Rahmati, and T. Jagdhuber (submitted): AI in Soil Moisture Remote Sensing. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation
Fluhrer, A., M.J. Baur, M. Piles, B. Bayat, M. Rahmati, D. Chaparro, C. Dubois, F.M. Hellwig, C. Montzka, A. Kübert, M.M. Mueller, I. Augscheller, F. Jonard, K. Schellenberg, and T. Jagdhuber (submitted): Assessing evapotranspiration dynamics across central Europe in the context of land-atmosphere drivers. Biogeosciences. DOI:10.5194/egusphere-2024-3386
Bates, J.S., C. Montzka, H. Vereecken, and F. Jonard (submitted): Estimating Evapotranspiration Over the Growing Season of Diverse Crops using UAS Multi-sensor Data with Two Source Energy Balance Model.
Zhao, H., C. Montzka, J. Keller, F. Li, H. Vereecken, and H.-J. Hendricks Franssen (submitted): Added value of lateral flow processes for assimilating SMAP soil moisture into a land surface model. Water Ressources Research
Heinrichs, H.U., C. Winkler, S. Ishmam, B. Bayat, A. Lahanaoui, S. Agbo, E.U. Pena Sanchez, D. Franzmann, N. Oijeabou, C. Körner, Y. Michael, B. Oloruntoba, C. Montzka, H. Vereecken, H.-J. Hendricks Franssen, J. Brendt, S. Brauner, W. Kuckshinrichs, S. Venghaus, D. Kone, B. Korgo, K. Ogunjobi, J. Olwoch, V. Chiteculo, Z. Getenga, J. Linßen, and D. Stolten (accepted): Participatory Mapping of Local Green Hydrogen Cost-Potentials in Sub-Saharan Africa. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Oloruntoba, B. J., S. Kollet, C. Montzka, H. Vereecken, and H.-J. Hendricks Franssen (accepted): High Resolution Land Surface Modelling over Africa: the role of uncertain soil properties in combination with temporal model resolution. HESS, DOI:10.5194/egusphere-2023-3132
Fan, D., T. Zhao, X. Jiang, A. García-García, T. Schmidt, L. Samaniego, S. Attinger, H. Wu, Y. Jiang, J. Shi, L. Fan, B. Tang, W. Wagner, W. Dorigo, A. Gruber, F. Mattia, A. Balenzano, L. Brocca, T. Jagdhuber, J.-P. Wigneron, C. Montzka, and J. Peng (2025): A Sentinel-1 SAR-based global 1-km resolution soil moisture data product: Algorithm and preliminary assessment. Remote Sensing of Environment 318, 114579. DOI:10.1016/j.rse.2024.114579
Kupfer, N., T.V. Quoc, F. Bachofer, J. Huth, H. Vereecken, L. Weihermüller, and C. Montzka (2024): Enhanced Monitoring of Sub-Seasonal Land Use Dynamics in Vietnam's Mekong Delta through Quantile Mapping and Harmonic Regression. Remote Sensing 16(19), 3569. DOI:10.3390/rs16193569
Zhao, H., C. Montzka, H. Vereecken, and H.-J. Hendricks Franssen (2024): A Comparative Analysis of Remote Sensing Soil Moisture Data-sets Fusion Methods: Novel LSTM Approach versus Widely-Used Triple Collocation Technique. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 17, 16659-16671. DOI:10.1109/JSTARS.2024.3455549
Ishmam, S., H. Heinrichs, C. Winkler, B. Bayat, A. Lahanaoui, S. Agbo, E.U. Pena Sanchez, D. Franzmann, N. Oijeabou, C. Körner, Y. Michael, B. Oloruntoba, C. Montzka, H. Vereecken, H.-J. Hendricks Franssen, J. Brendt, S. Brauner, W. Kuckshinrichs, S. Venghaus, D. Kone, B. Korgo, K. Ogunjobi, V. Chiteculo, J. Olwoch, Z. Getenga, J. Linßen, and D. Stolten (2024): Mapping Local Green Hydrogen Cost-Potentials by a Multidisciplinary Approach. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 87, 1155-1170. DOI:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2024.08.501
Lovynska, V., B. Bayat, R. Bol, S. Moradi, M. Rahmati, R. Raj, S. Sytnyk, O. Wiche, B. Wu, and C. Montzka (2024): Monitoring Heavy Metals and Metalloids in Soils and Vegetation by Remote Sensing: A Review. Remote Sensing 16(17), 3221. DOI:10.3390/rs16173221
Zacharias, S., H.W. Loescher, H. Bogena, R. Kiese, M. Schrön, S. Attinger, T. Blume, D. Borchardt, E. Borg, J. Bumberger, C. Chwala, P. Dietrich, B. Fersch, M. Frenzel, J. Gaillardet, J. Groh, I. Hajnsek, S. Itzerott, R. Kunkel, H.G. Kunstmann, M. Kunz, S. Liebner, M. Mirtl, C. Montzka, A. Musolff, T. Pütz, C. Rebmann, K. Rinke, M. Rode, T. Sachs, L.E. Samaniego, H.-P. Schmid, H.-J. Vogel, U. Weber, U. Wollschläger, and H. Vereecken (2024): 15 years of Integrated Terrestrial Environmental Observatories (TERENO) in Germany: Functions, Services and Lessons Learned. Earth´s Future 12, e2024EF004510. DOI:10.1029/2024EF004510
Rahmati, M., W. Amelung, C. Brogi, J. Dari, A. Flammini, H. Bogena, L. Brocca, H. Chen, J. Groh, R.D. Koster, K.A. McColl, C. Montzka, S. Moradi, A. Rahi, F. Sharghi, J. Vanderborght, and H. Vereecken (2024): Soil Moisture Memory: State-of-the-art and the way forward. Reviews of Geophysics 62 (2), e2023RG000828. DOI:10.1029/2023RG000828
Chen, H., M. Rahmati, C. Montzka, H. Gao, and H. Vereecken (2024): Soil physicochemical properties explain land use/cover histories in the last sixty years in China. Geoderma 446, 116908. DOI:10.1016/j.geoderma.2024.116908
Chen, H., T. Wang, C. Montzka, H. Gao, N. Guo, X. Chen, and H. Vereecken (2024): Toward an improved ensemble of multi-source daily precipitation via joint machine learning classification and regression. Atmospheric Research 304, 107385. DOI:10.1016/j.atmosres.2024.107385
Fluhrer, A., T. Jagdhuber, C. Montzka, M. Schumacher, H. Alemohammad, A. Tabatabaeenejad, H. Kunstmann, and D. Entekhabi (2024): Soil Moisture Profile Estimation by Combining P-band SAR Polarimetry with Hydrological and Multi-Layer Scattering Models. Remote Sensing of Environment 305, 114067. DOI:10.1016/j.rse.2024.114067
Lovynska, V., S. Sytnyk, C. Montzka, A. Samarska, H. Heilmeier, A. Belleflamme, K. Holoborodko, and O. Wiche (2024): Interaction between soil water saturation and toxic element accumulation in woody plants (Freiberg region, Germany). International Journal of Environmental Studies 81(2), 570-586. DOI:10.1080/00207233.2024.2322891
Bayat, B., R. Raj, A. Graf, H. Vereecken, and C. Montzka (2024): Comprehensive accuracy assessment of long-term geostationary SEVIRI-MSG evapotranspiration estimates across Europe. Remote Sensing of Environment 301, 113875. DOI:10.1016/j.rse.2023.113875
Lovynska, V., S. Stankevich, S. Sytnyk, C. Montzka, K. Holoborodko, H. Heilmeier, and О. Wiche (2023): Estimating biomass of woody plants that grow in the different As-contaminated technosoils in the ore-bearing provinces of Eastern Germany. Biosystems Diversity 31(4), 499-505. DOI:10.15421/012359
Qu, Y., D.G. Miralles, S. Veraverbeke, H. Vereecken and C. Montzka (2023): Wildfire precursors show complementary predictability in different timescales. Nature Communications 14, 6829 (2023). DOI:10.1038/s41467-023-42597-5
Bayat, B., B. Oloruntoba, C. Montzka, H. Vereecken, and H.-J. Hendricks Franssen (2023): Implications for sustainable water consumption in Africa by simulating five decades (1965-2014) of groundwater recharge. Journal of Hydrology. DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2023.130288
Mohseni, F., A. Ahrari, J.-H. Haunert, and C. Montzka (2023): The synergies of SMAP enhanced and MODIS products in a random forest regression for estimating 1 km soil moisture over Africa using Google Earth Engine. Big Earth Data. DOI:10.1080/20964471.2023.2257905
Rahmati, M., A. Graf, C. Poppe Terán, W. Amelung, W. Dorigo, H.-J. Hendricks-Franssen, C. Montzka, D. Or, M. Sprenger, J. Vanderborght, N. Verhoest, and H. Vereecken (2023): Continuous increase in evaporative demand shortened the growing season of European ecosystems in the last decade. Nature Communications Earth and Environment 4(236). DOI:10.1038/s43247-023-00890-7
Rahmati, M., D. Or, W. Amelung, S. Bauke, R. Bol, H.-J. Hendricks Franssen, C. Montzka, J. Vanderborght, and H. Vereecken (2023): Soil is a Living Archive of the Earth System. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment. DOI:10.1038/s43017-023-00454-5
Mengen, D., T. Jagdhuber, A. Balenzano, F. Mattia, H. Vereecken, and C. Montzka (2023): High Spatial And Temporal Soil Moisture Retrieval In Agricultural Areas Using Multi-Orbit And Vegetation Adapted Sentinel-1 SAR Timeseries. Remote Sensing 15(9), 2282. DOI:10.3390/rs15092282
Montzka, C., M. Donat, R. Raj, P. Welter, J.S. Bates (2023): Sensitivity of LiDAR parameters to aboveground biomass in winter spelt. Drones 7(2), 121. DOI:10.3390/drones7020121
Ma, Y., C. Montzka, B. S. Naz, and S. Kollet (2022): Advancing AI-based pan-European groundwater monitoring. Environmental Research Letters 17(11), 114037. DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/ac9c1e
Huang, W., T. Hu, J. Mao, C. Montzka, R. Bol, S. Wan, J. Li, J. Yue, and H. Dai (2022): Hydrological drivers for the spatial distribution of wetland herbaceous communities in the Poyang Lake. Remote Sensing 14(19), 4870. DOI:10.3390/rs14194870
Vereecken, H., W. Amelung, S. Bauke, N. Brueggemann, H. Bogena, C. Montzka, J. Vanderborght, M. Bechtold, G. Bloeschl, A. Carminati, M. Javaux, A. Konings, J. Kusche, I. Neuweiler, D. Or, S. Steele-Dunne, A. Verhoef, M. Young, and Y. Zhang (2022): Soil hydrology in the Earth system. Nature Reviews - Earth & Environment. DOI:10.1038/s43017-022-00324-6
Fluhrer, A., T. Jagdhuber, A. Tabatabaeenejad, H. Alemohammad, C. Montzka, P. Friedl, E. Forootan, and H. Kunstmann (2022): Remote sensing of complex permittivity and penetration depth of soils using P-band SAR polarimetry. Remote Sensing 14(12), 2755. DOI:10.3390/rs14122755
Lausch, A., M.E. Schaepman, A.K. Skidmore, E. Catana, L. Bannehr, O. Bastian, E. Borg, J. Bumberger, P. Dietrich, C. Glässer, J.M. Hacker, R. Höfer, T. Jagdhuber, S. Jany, A. Jung, A. Karnieli, R. Klenke, T. Kirsten, U. Ködel, W. Kresse, U. Mallast, C. Montzka, M. Möller, H. Mollenhauer, M. Pause, M. Rahman, F. Schrodt, C. Schmullius, C. Schütze, P. Selsam, R.-U. Syrbe, S. Truckenbrodt, M. Vohland, M. Volk, T. Wellmann, S. Zacharias, and R. Baatz (2022): Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodiversity — Part III: Traits, Processes and Remote Sensing Characteristics. Remote Sensing 14(9), 2279. DOI:10.3390/rs14092279
Bayat, B., C. Montzka, A. Graf, G. Giuliani, M. Santoro, and H. Vereecken (2022): One decade (2011-2020) of European agricultural water stress monitoring by MSG-SEVIRI: Workflow implementation on the Virtual Earth Laboratory (VLab) platform. International Journal of Digital Earth 15(1), 730-747. DOI:10.1080/17538947.2022.2061617
Colliander, A., R.H. Reichle, W.T. Crow, M.H. Cosh, F. Chen, S. Chan, N. Das, R. Bindlish, J. Chaubell, S.B. Kim, Q. Liu, P. O’Neill, R.S. Dunbar, L. Dang, J. Kimball, T.J. Jackson, H.K. al Jassar, J. Asanuma, B. K. Bhattacharya, A. Berg, D.D. Bosch, L. Bourgeau-Chavez, T. Caldwell, J.-C. Calvet, C. Holifield Collins, K.H. Jensen, S. Livingston, E. Lopez-Baeza, J. Martínez-Fernández, H. McNairn, M. Moghaddam, C. Montzka, C. Notarnicola, T. Pellarin, I. Pfeil, J. Pulliainen, J. Ramos, M. Seyfried, P. Starks, Z. Su, R. van der Velde, Y. Zeng, M. Thibeault, M. Vreugdenhil, J.P. Walker, M. Zribi, D. Entekhabi, and S. Yueh (2022): Validation of Soil Moisture Data Products from the NASA SMAP Mission. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 15, 364-392. DOI:10.1109/JSTARS.2021.3124743
Ma, Y., C. Montzka, B. Bayat, and S. Kollet (2021): An indirect approach based on Long Short-Term Memory networks to estimate groundwater table depth anomalies across Europe with an application for drought analysis. Special Section on Hydrological Modeling, Analyses, and Predictions: Opportunities and Challenges. Frontiers in Water 3, 723548. DOI:10.3389/frwa.2021.723548
Montzka, C., H. R. Bogena, M. Herbst, M. H. Cosh, T. Jagdhuber, and H. Vereecken (2021): Estimating the number of reference sites necessary for the validation of global soil moisture products. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 18(9), 1530-1534. DOI:10.1109/LGRS.2020.3005730
Baatz, R., H.-J. Hendricks Franssen, E. Euskirchen, D. Sihi, M. Dietze, S. Ciavatta, K. Fennel, H. Beck, G. De Lannoy, V. Pauwels, A. Raiho, C. Montzka, M. Williams, U. Mishra, C. Poppe Teran, S. Zacharias, A. Lausch, L. Samaniego, K. Van Looy, H. Bogena, M. Adamescu, M. Mirtl, A. Fox, K. Goergen, B.S. Naz, Y. Zeng, and H. Vereecken (2021): Reanalysis in Earth System Science: Towards Terrestrial Ecosystem Reanalysis. Reviews of Geophysics 59, e2020RG000715. DOI:10.1029/2020RG000715
Zhao, H., C. Montzka, R. Baatz, H. Vereecken, and H.-J. Hendricks Franssen (2021): The importance of Subsurface Processes in Land Surface Modelling over a Temperate Region: an Analysis with SMAP, Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensing and Triple Collocation Analysis. Remote Sensing 13(16), 3068. DOI:10.3390/rs13163068
Montzka, C., B. Bayat, A. Tewes, D. Mengen and H. Vereecken (2021): Sentinel-2 Analysis of Spruce Crown Transparency Levels and their Environmental Drivers after Summer Drought in the Northern Eifel (Germany). Special Section on Forests Under Pressure: The Need for Interdisciplinary Approaches to Address Forest Vulnerability to Tree Mortality in Response to Drought. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 4, 667151. DOI:10.3389/ffgc.2021.667151
Ma, Y., C. Montzka, B. Bayat, and S. Kollet (2021): Using Long Short-Term Memory networks to connect water table depth anomalies to precipitation anomalies over Europe. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS) 25, 3555-3575. DOI:10.5194/hess-25-3555-2021
Mengen, D., C. Montzka, T. Jagdhuber, A. Fluhrer, C. Brogi, S. Baum, D. Schüttemeyer, B. Bayat, H. Bogena, A. Coccia, G. Masalias, V. Trinkel, J. Jakobi, F. Jonard, Y. Ma, F. Mattia, D. Palmisano, U. Rascher, G. Satalino, M. Schumacher, C. Koyama, M. Schmidt, and H. Vereecken (2021): The SARSense campaign: Air- and space-borne C- and L-band SAR for the analysis of soil and plant parameters in agriculture. Remote Sensing 13(4), 825. DOI:10.3390/rs13040825
Bates, J.S., C. Montzka, M. Schmidt, and F. Jonard (2021): Estimating Canopy Density Parameters Time-Series for Winter Wheat Using UAS mounted LiDAR. Special Issue LiDAR for Precision Agriculture. Remote Sensing 13(4), 710. DOI:10.3390/rs13040710
Jagdhuber, T., C. Montzka, C. Lopez-Martinez, M.J. Baur, M. Link, M. Piles, N.N. Das, and F. Jonard (2021): Estimation of Vegetation Structure Parameters from SMAP Radar Intensity Observations. IEEE Transactions on Geosciences and Remote Sensing 59(1), 151-167. DOI:10.1109/TGRS.2020.2991252
Qu, Y., Z. Zhu, C. Montzka, L. Chai, S. Liu, Y. Ge, J. Liu, Z. Lu, X. He, J. Zheng, and T. Han (2021): Inter-comparison of Several Soil Moisture Downscaling Methods over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China. Journal of Hydrology 592, 125616. DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125616
Bayat, B., F. Camacho, J. Nickeson, M. Cosh, J. Bolten, H. Vereecken, and C. Montzka (2021): Toward Operational Validation Systems for Global Satellite-Based Terrestrial Essential Climate Variables. International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation 95, 102240. DOI:10.1016/j.jag.2020.102240
Tewes, A., C. Montzka, M. Nolte, G. Krauss, H. Hoffmann, and T. Gaiser (2020): Assimilation of Sentinel-2 Estimated LAI into a Crop Model: Influence of Timing and Frequency of Acquisitions on Simulation of Water Stress and Biomass Production of Winter Wheat. Agronomy 10(11), 1813. DOI:10.3390/agronomy10111813
Lausch, A., M.E. Schaepman, A.K. Skidmore, S.C. Truckenbrodt, J.M. Hacker, J. Baade, L. Bannehr, E. Borg, J. Bumberger, P. Dietrich, C. Glässer, D. Haase, M. Heurich, T. Jagdhuber, S. Jany, R. Krönert, M. Möller, H. Mollenhauer, C. Montzka, M. Pause, C. Rogass, N. Salepci, C. Schmullius, F. Schrodt, C. Schütze, C. Schweitzer, P. Selsam, D. Spengler, M. Vohland, M. Volk, U. Weber, T. Wellmann, U. Werban, S. Zacharias, and C. Thiel (2020): Linking the Remote Sensing of Geodiversity and Traits Relevant to Biodiversity—Part II: Geomorphology, Terrain and Surfaces. Remote Sensing 12(22), 3690. DOI:10.3390/rs12223690
Tian, J., Z. Han, H. R. Bogena, J. A. Huisman, C. Montzka, B. Zhang, and C. He (2020): Estimation of subsurface soil moisture from surface soil moisture in cold mountainous areas. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS) 24, 4659–4674. DOI:10.5194/hess-24-4659-2020
Jonard, F., S. De Cannière, N. Brüggemann, P. Gentine, D.J.S. Gianotti, G. Lobet, D.M. Miralles, C. Montzka, B.R. Pagán, U. Rascher, and H. Vereecken (2020): Value of chlorophyll fluorescence for quantifying hydrological states and fluxes: current status and challenges. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 291, 108088. DOI:10.1016/j.agrformet.2020.108088
Gruber, A., G. De Lannoy, C. Albergel, A. Al-Yaari, L. Brocca, J.-C. Calvet, A. Colliander, M. Cosh, W. Crow, W. Dorigo, C. Draper, M. Hirschi, Y. Kerr, A. Konings, W. Lahoz, K. McColl, C. Montzka, J. Muñoz-Sabater, J. Peng, R. Reichle, P. Richaume, C. Rüdiger, T. Scanlon, R. van der Schalie, and W. Wagner (2020): Validation practices for satellite soil moisture retrievals: What are (the) errors? Remote Sensing of Environment 244, 111806. DOI:10.1016/j.rse.2020.111806
Naz, B.S., S. Kollet, H.-J. Hendricks Franssen, C. Montzka, and W. Kurtz (2020): A 3 km spatially and temporally consistent European daily soil moisture reanalysis from 2000 to 2015. Nature Scientific Data 7, 111. DOI:10.1038/s41597-020-0450-6
Fathololoumi, S., A.R. Vaezi, S.K. Alavipanah, C. Montzka, A. Ghorbani, and A. Biswas (2020): Soil temperature modeling using machine learning techniques. Desert 25 (2), 185-199. DOI:10.22059/jdesert.2020.79256
Brogi, C., J.A. Huisman, M. Herbst, L. Weihermüller, A. Klosterhalfen, C. Montzka, T.G. Reichenau, and H. Vereecken (2020): Simulation of spatial variability in crop LAI and yield using agro-ecosystem modelling and geophysics-based quantitative soil information. Vadose Zone Journal 19:e20009. DOI:10.1002/vzj2.20009
Mwangi, S., Y. Zeng, C. Montzka, L. Yu, and Z. Su (2020): Assimilation of Cosmic Ray Neutron Counts for the Estimation of Soil Ice Content on the Eastern Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 125, e2019JD031529. DOI:10.1029/2019JD031529
McCallum, I., C. Montzka, B. Bayat, S. Kollet, A. Kolotii, N. Kussul, M. Lavreniuk, A. Lehman, J. Maso, P. Mazzetti, A. Mosnier, E. Perracchione, M. Putti, M. Santoro, I. Serral, L. Shumilo, D. Spengler and S. Fritz (2020): Developing food, water and energy nexus workflows. International Journal on Digital Earth 13(2), 299-308. DOI:10.1080/17538947.2019.1626921
Link, M., C. Montzka, T. Jagdhuber, S.S. Söbjaerg, S. Dill, M. Peichl, T. Meyer, and F. Jonard (2019): Impact of Permittivity Patterns on Fully Polarimetric Brightness Temperature Signatures at L-Band. Progress In Electromagnetics Research (PIER) 166, 75-93. DOI:10.2528/PIER19080204
Park, C.-H., C. Montzka, T. Jagdhuber, F. Jonard, G. De Lannoy, J. Hong, T. Jackson, and V. Wulfmeyer (2019): A dielectric mixing model accounting for soil organic matter. Vadose Zone Journal 18, 190036. DOI:10.2136/vzj2019.04.0036
Lausch, A., L. Bannehr, E. Borg, J. Bumberger, S. Chabrillat, P. Dietrich, H. Gerighausen, C. Glässer, J.M. Hacker, D. Haase, T. Jagdhuber, S. Jany, A. Jung, A. Karnieli, R. Kraemer, M. Makki, C. Mielke, M. Möller, H. Mollenhauer, C. Montzka, M. Pause, C. Rogass, O. Rozenstein, R. Schima, C. Schmullius, F. Schrodt, M. Schrön, K. Schulz, C. Schütze, C. Schweitzer, P. Selsam, A.K. Skidmore, D. Spengler, C. Thiel, S. Truckenbrodt, M. Vohland, U. Weber, U. Werban, U. Wollschläger, S. Zacharias, and M.E. Schaepman (2019): Linking Remote Sensing and Geodiversity and their Traits Relevant to Biodiversity – Part I: Soil Characteristics. Remote Sensing 11(20), 2356. DOI:10.3390/rs11202356
Tuller, M., E. Babaeian, S. B. Jones, C. Montzka, H. Vereecken, and M. Sadeghi (2019): The paramount societal impact of soil moisture. EOS 100. DOI:10.1029/2019EO128569
Qu, Y., Z. Zhu, L. Chai, S. Liu, C. Montzka, J. Liu, X. Yang, Z. Lu, R. Jin, X. Li, Z. Guo, and J. Zheng (2019): Rebuilding a Microwave Soil Moisture Product Using Random Forest Adopting AMSR-E/AMSR2 Brightness Temperature and SMAP over the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau, China. Remote Sensing 11(6), 683. DOI:10.3390/rs11060683
Babaeian, E., M. Sadeghi, S. Jones, C. Montzka, H. Vereecken, and M. Tuller (2019): Ground, Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture. Reviews of Geophysics 57, 530-616. DOI:10.1029/2018RG000618
Vereecken, H., L. Weihermüller, S. Assouline, J. Šimůnek, A. Verhoef, M. Herbst, N. Archer, B. Mohanty, C. Montzka, J. Vanderborght, G. Balsamo, M. Bechtold, A. Boone, S. Chadburn, M. Cuntz, B. Decharme, A. Ducharne, M. Ek, S. Garrigues, K. Goergen, J. Ingwersen, S. Kollet, D. M. Lawrence, Q. Li, D. Or, S. Swenson, P. de Vrese, R. Walko, Y. Wu, and Y. Xue (2019): Infiltration from the pedon to global grid scales: An overview and outlook for land surface modelling. Vadose Zone Journal 18, 180191. DOI:10.2136/vzj2018.10.0191
Naz, B.S., W. Kurtz, C. Montzka, W. Sharples, K. Goergen, J. Keune, H. Gao, A. Springer, H.-J. Hendricks Franssen, and S. Kollet (2019): Improving soil moisture and runoff simulations at 3 km over Europe using land surface data assimilation. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 23, 77–301. DOI:10.5194/hess-23-277-2019
Jagdhuber, T., A. G. Konings, K. A. McColl, S. H. Alemohammad, N. N. Das, C. Montzka, M. Link, R. Akbar, and D. Entekhabi (2019): Physics-Based Modeling of Active and Passive Microwave Covariations Over Vegetated Surfaces. IEEE Transactions on Geosciences and Remote Sensing 57(2), 788-802. DOI:10.1109/TGRS.2018.2860630
Lorenz, C., C. Montzka, T. Jagdhuber, P. Laux, and H. Kunstmann (2018): Long-term and high-resolution global time series of brightness temperature from Copula-based fusion of SMAP Enhanced and SMOS data. Remote Sensing 10(11), 1842. DOI:10.3390/rs10111842
Badou, D.F., B. Diekkrüger, and C. Montzka (2018): Validation of satellite soil moisture in the absence of in situ soil moisture: the case of the Tropical Yankin Basin. South African Journal of Geomatics 7(3), 243-256. DOI:10.4314/sajg.v7i3.3
Rahmati, M., L. Weihermüller, J. Vanderborght, Y. A. Pachepsky, L. Mao, S. H. Sadeghi, N. Moosavi, H. Kheirfam, C. Montzka, K. Van Looy, B. Toth, Z. Hazbavi, W. Al Yamani, A. A. Albalasmeh, M. Z. Alghzawi, R. Angulo-Jaramillo, A. C. D. Antonino, G. Arampatzis, R. A. Armindo, H. Asadi, Y. Bamutaze, J. Batlle-Aguilar, B. Bechet, F. Becker, G. Blöschl, K. Bohne, I. Braud, C. Castellano, A. Cerdà, M. Chalhoub, R. Cichota, M. Císlerová, B. Clothier, Y. Coquet, W. Cornelis, C. Corradini, A. P. Coutinho, M. B. de Oliveira, J. R. de Macedo, M. F. Durães, H. Emami, I. Eskandari, A. Farajnia, A. Flammini, N. Fodor, M. Gharaibeh, M. H. Ghavimipanah, T. A. Ghezzehei, S. Giertz, E. G. Hatzigiannakis, R. Horn, J. J. Jiménez, D. Jacques, S. D. Keesstra, H. Kelishadi, M. Kiani-Harchegani, M. Kouselou, M. Kumar Jha, L. Lassabatere, X. Li, M. A. Liebig, L. Lichner, M. V. López, D. Machiwal, D. Mallants, M. S. Mallmann, J. D. de Oliveira Marques, M. R. Marshall, J. Mertens, F. Meunier, M. H. Mohammadi, B. P. Mohanty, M. P. Moncada, S. Montenegro, R. Morbidelli, D. Moret-Fernández, A. A. Moosavi, M. R. Mosaddeghi, S. B. Mousavi, H. Mozaffari, K. Nabiollahi, M. R. Neyshabouri, M. V. Ottoni, T. B. Ottoni Filho, M. R. Pahlavan Rad, A. Panagopoulos, S. Peth, P. E. Peyneau, T. Picciafuoco, J. Poesen, M. Pulido, D. J. Reinert, S. Reinsch, M. Rezaei, F. P. Roberts, D. Robinson, J. Rodrigo-Comino, O. C. Rotunno Filho, T. Saito, H. Suganuma, C. Saltalippi, R. Sándor, B. Schütt, M. Seeger, N. Sepehrnia, E. Sharifi Moghaddam, M. Shukla, S. Shutaro, R. Sorando, A. A. Stanley, P. Strauss, Z. Su, R. Taghizadeh-Mehrjardi, E. Taguas, W. G. Teixeira, A. R. Vaezi, M. Vafakhah, T. Vogel, I. Vogeler, J. Votrubova, S. Werner, T. Winarski, D. Yilmaz, M. H. Young, S. Zacharias, Y. Zeng, Y. Zhao, H. Zhao and H. Vereecken (2018): Development and Analysis of Soil Water Infiltration Global Database. Earth Syst. Sci. Data 10, 1237-1263. DOI:10.5194/essd-10-1237-2018
Bogena, H.R., C. Montzka, J.A. Huisman, A. Graf, M. Schmidt, M. Stockinger, C. von Hebel, H.J. Hendricks-Franssen, J. van der Kruk, W. Tappe, A. Lücke, R. Baatz, R. Bol, J. Groh, T. Puetz, J. Jakobi, R. Kunkel, J. Sorg, and H. Vereecken (2018): The TERENO - Rur hydrological observatory: A multi-scale multi-compartment research platform for the advancement of hydrological science. Vadose Zone Journal 17, 180055. DOI:10.2136/vzj2018.03.0055
Montzka, C., K. Rötzer, H.R. Bogena, N. Sanchez, and H. Vereecken (2018): A new soil moisture downscaling approach for SMAP, SMOS and ASCAT by predicting sub-grid variability. Remote Sensing 10(3), 427. DOI:10.3390/rs10030427
Post, H., H.-J. Hendricks Franssen, X. Han, R. Baatz, C. Montzka, M. Schmidt, and H. Vereecken (2018): Evaluation and uncertainty analysis of regional scale CLM4.5 net carbon flux estimates. Biogeosciences 15, 187-208. DOI:10.5194/bg-15-187-2018
van Looy, K., J. Bouma, M. Herbst, J. Koestel, B. Minasny, U. Mishra, C. Montzka, A. Nemes, Y. Pachepsky, J. Padarian, M. Schaap, B. Tóth, A. Verhoef, J. Vanderborght, M. van der Ploeg, L. Weihermüller, S. Zacharias, Y. Zhang, and H. Vereecken (2017): Pedotransfer functions in Earth system science: challenges and perspectives. Reviews of Geophysics 55(4), 1199-1256. DOI:10.1002/2017RG000581
Rains, D., X. Han, H. Lievens, C. Montzka, and N.E.C. Verhoest (2017): SMOS brightness temperature assimilation into the Community Land Model. Hydrology and Earth System Science (HESS) 21, 5929-5951. DOI:10.5194/hess-2017-188
Montzka, C., M. Herbst, L. Weihermüller, A. Verhoef, and H. Vereecken (2017): A global data set of soil hydraulic properties and sub-grid variability of soil water retention and hydraulic conductivity curves. Earth Syst. Sci. Data 9(2), 529-543. DOI:10.5194/essd-9-529-2017
Debez, A., I. Belghith, J. Friesen, C. Montzka, and S. Elleuche (2017): Facing the challenge of sustainable bioenergy production: Could halophytes be part of the solution? Journal of Biological Engineering 11(27). DOI:10.1186/s13036-017-0069-0
Rötzer, K., C. Montzka, D. Entekhabi, A. G. Konings, K. A. McColl, M. Piles, and H. Vereecken (2017): Relationship between Vegetation Microwave Optical Depth and Cross-Polarized Backscatter from multi-Year Aquarius Observations. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 10(10), 4493-4503. DOI:10.1109/JSTARS.2017.2716638
Colliander, A., T. J. Jackson, R. Bindlish, S. Chan, S. B. Kim, M. H. Cosh, R. S. Dunbar, L. Dang; L. Pashaian, J. Asanuma, A. A. Berg, T. Rowlandson, D. Bosch, T. Caldwell, K. Caylor, D. Goodrich, H. al Jassar, E. Lopez-Baeza, J. Martinez-Fernandez, A. Gonzalez-Zamora, S. Livingston, H. McNairn, A. Pacheco, M. Moghaddam, C. Montzka, C. Notarnicola, G. Niedrist, T. Pellarin, J. Prueger, J. Pulliainen, K. Rautiainen, J. Ramos, M. Seyfried, P. Starks, Z. Su, Y. Zeng, R. van der Velde, M. Thibeault, W. Dorigo, M. Vreugdenhil, J. P. Walker, X. Wu, A. Monerris, P. E. O'Neill, D. Entekhabi; E. G. Njoku, and S. H. Yueh (2017): Validation of SMAP Surface Soil Moisture Products with Core Validation Sites. Remote Sensing of Environment 191, 215-231. DOI:10.1016/j.rse.2017.01.021
Montzka, C., H. R. Bogena, M. Zreda, A. Monerris, R. Morrison, S. Muddu, and H. Vereecken (2017): Validation of spaceborne and modelled surface soil moisture products with cosmic-ray neutron probes. Remote Sensing 9(2), 103. DOI:10.3390/rs9020103
Mohanty, B., M. Cosh, V. Lakshmi, and C. Montzka (2017): Soil Moisture Remote Sensing – State-of-the-Science. Vadose Zone Journal 16(1). DOI:10.2136/vzj2016.10.0105
Babaeian, E., M. Homaee, C. Montzka, H. Vereecken, A. A. Norouzi, and M. T. van Genuchten (2016): Soil moisture prediction of bare soil profiles using diffuse spectral reflectance information and vadose zone flow modeling. Remote Sensing of Environment 187, 218-229. DOI:10.1016/j.rse.2016.10.029
Reichenau, T., W. Korres, K. Schneider, P. Fiener, F. Wilken, A. Stadler, C. Montzka, and G. Waldhoff (2016): Spatial Heterogeneity of Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Its Temporal Course on Arable Land: Combining Field Measurements, Remote Sensing and Simulation in a Comprehensive Data Analysis Approach (CDAA). PLOS One 11(7): e0158451. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0158451
Vereecken, H., A. Schnepf, J. Hopmans, M. Javaux, D. Or, T. Roose, J. Vanderborght, M. Young, W. Amelung, M. Aitkenhead, S. Allisson, S. Assouline, P. Baveye, M. Berli, N. Brüggemann, P. Finke, M. Flury, T. Gaiser, G. Govers, T. Ghezzehei, P. Hallett, H.-J. Hendricks-Franssen, J. Heppel, R. Horn, J. A. Huisman, D. Jacques, F. Jonard, S. Kollet, F. Lafolie, K. Lamorski, D. Leitner, A. McBratney, B. Minasmy, C. Montzka, W. Nowak, Y. Pachepsky, J. Padarian, N. Romano, K. Roth, Y. Rothfuss, E. C. Rowe, A. Schwen, J. Šimůnek, J. Van Dam, S. E. A. T. M. van der Zee, H. J. Vogel, J. A. Vrugt, T. Wöhling, and I. Young (2016): Modelling Soil Processes: Key challenges and new perspectives. Vadose Zone Journal 15(5). DOI:10.2136/vzj2015.09.0131
Montzka, C., T. Jagdhuber, R. Horn, H. Bogena, I. Hajnsek, A. Reigber and H. Vereecken (2016): Investigation of SMAP fusion algorithms with airborne active and passive L-band microwave remote sensing. IEEE Transactions on Geosciences and Remote Sensing 54(7), 3878 - 3889. DOI:10.1109/TGRS.2016.2529659
Babaeian, E., M. Homaee, H. Vereecken, C. Montzka, A.A. Norouzi, M.Th. van Genuchten (2015): A comparative study of multiple approaches for predicting the soil water retention curve: Hyperspectral information versus basic soil properties. Soil Science Society of America Journal 79(4), 1043 – 1058. DOI:10.2136/sssaj2014.09.0355
Baatz, R., H.R. Bogena, H.-J. Hendricks Franssen, J.A. Huisman, C. Montzka and H. Vereecken (2015): An empirical vegetation correction for soil water content quantification using cosmic-ray probes. Water Resources Research 51(4), 2030 - 2046. DOI:10.1002/2014WR016443
Babaeian, E., M. Homaee, C. Montzka, H. Vereecken and A.A. Norouzi (2015): Towards retrieving soil hydraulic properties by hyperspectral remote sensing. Vadose Zone Journal 14(3). DOI:10.2136/vzj2014.07.0080
Ali, M., C. Montzka, A. Stadler, G. Menz, F. Thonfeld and H. Vereecken (2015): Estimation and validation of RapidEye-based time series of Leaf Area Index for winter wheat in the Rur catchment (Germany). Remote Sensing 7(3), 2808 - 2831. DOI:10.3390/rs70302808
Rötzer, K., C. Montzka and H. Vereecken (2015): Spatio-temporal variability of global soil moisture products. Journal of Hydrology 522, 187 - 202. DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.12.038
Rudolph, S., J. van der Kruk, Ch. von Hebel, M. Ali, M. Herbst, C. Montzka, S. Pätzold, D.A. Robinson, H. Vereecken and L. Weihermüller (2015): Linking satellite derived LAI patterns with subsoil heterogeneity using large-scale ground-based electromagnetic induction measurements. Geoderma 241 - 242, 262 - 271. DOI:10.1016/j.geoderma.2014.11.015
Rötzer, K., C. Montzka, H. Bogena, W. Wagner, Y.H. Kerr, R. Kidd and H. Vereecken (2014): Catchment scale validation of SMOS and ASCAT soil moisture products using hydrological modeling and temporal stability analysis. Journal of Hydrology 519, 934 - 946. DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.07.065
Han, X., H.-J Hendricks Franssen, C. Montzka and H. Vereecken (2014): Joint Soil Moisture and Soil Properties Estimation in the Community Land Model with Remotely Sensed Brightness Temperature. Special Section on Patterns in Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere Systems: Monitoring, Modelling and Data Assimilation, Water Resources Research 50, 6081 - 6105. DOI:10.1002/2013WR014586
Baatz, R., H. Bogena, H.-J. Hendricks Franssen, J.A. Huisman, W. Qu, C. Montzka and H. Vereecken (2014): Calibration of a catchment scale cosmic-ray probe network: A comparison of three parameterization methods. Journal of Hydrology 516, 231 - 244. DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.02.026
Vereecken, H., J. A. Huisman, Y. Pachepsky, C. Montzka, J. van der Kruk, H. Bogena, L. Weihermüller, M. Herbst, G. Martinez and J. Vanderborght (2014): On the spatio-temporal dynamics of soil moisture at the field scale. Journal of Hydrology 516, 76 - 96. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2013.11.061
Hasan, S., C. Montzka, C. Rüdiger, M. Ali, H. Bogena and H. Vereecken (2014): Soil moisture retrieval from airborne L-band passive microwave using high resolution multispectral data. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 91, 59 - 71. DOI:10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2014.02.005
Montzka, C., J. P. Grant, H. Moradkhani, H.-J. Hendricks-Franssen, L. Weihermüller, M. Drusch and H. Vereecken (2013): Estimation of radiative transfer parameters from L-band passive microwave brightness temperatures using advanced data assimilation. Vadose Zone Journal, Special Section on Remote Sensing of Vadose Zone Hydrology 12(3). DOI:10.2136/vzj2012.0040
Mohanty, B. P., M. Cosh, V. Lakshmi and C. Montzka (2013): Remote Sensing for Vadose Zone Hydrology—A Synthesis from the Vantage Point. Vadose Zone Journal, Special Section on Remote Sensing of Vadose Zone Hydrology 12(3). DOI:10.2136/vzj2013.07.0128
Han, X., H.-J. Hendricks Franssen, X. Li, Y. Zhang, C. Montzka and H. Vereecken (2013): Joint Assimilation of Surface Temperature and L-band Microwave Brightness Temperature in Land Data Assimilation. Vadose Zone Journal, Special Section on Remote Sensing of Vadose Zone Hydrology 12(3). DOI:10.2136/vzj2012.0072
Montzka, C., H. Bogena, L. Weihermüller, F. Jonard, C. Bouzinac, J. Kainulainen, J. E. Balling, A. Loew, J. T. dall’Amico, E. Rouhe, J. Vanderborght and H. Vereecken (2013): Brightness temperature and soil moisture validation at different scales during the SMOS Validation Campaign in the Rur and Erft catchments, Germany. IEEE Transactions on Geosciences and Remote Sensing 51 (3), 1728 - 1743, DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2012.2206031
Zhao, L., K. Yang, J. Qin, Y. Chen, W. Tang, C. Montzka, H. Wu, C. Lin, M. Han, and H. Vereecken (2013): Spatiotemporal analysis of soil moisture observations within a Tibetan mesoscale area and its implication to regional soil moisture measurements. Journal of Hydrology 482, 92 - 104. DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2012.12.033
Montzka, C., V. R. N. Pauwels, H.-J. Hendricks Franssen, X. Han and H. Vereecken (2012): Multivariate and multiscale data assimilation in terrestrial systems: A review. Sensors 12(12), 16291 - 16333. DOI:10.3390/s121216291
Montzka, C. and H. Vereecken (2012): Improved remote sensing of surface soil moisture. SPIE Newsroom, 13 September 2012. DOI: 10.1117/2.1201209.004470
Vereecken, H., L. Weihermüller, F. Jonard, and C. Montzka (2012): Characterization of crop canopies and water stress related phenomena using microwave methods: A review. Vadose Zone Journal 11(2). DOI: 10.2136/vzj2011.0138ra
Han, X., X. Li, H.-J. Hendricks Franssen, H. Vereecken and C. Montzka (2012): Spatial horizontal correlation characteristics in the land data assimilation of soil moisture. Hydrology and Earth System Science (HESS), 16, 1349 - 1363. DOI:10.5194/hess-16-1349-2012
2011 and before:
Montzka, C., H. Moradkhani, L. Weihermüller, H.-J. Hendricks Franssen, M. Canty and H. Vereecken (2011): Hydraulic Parameter Estimation by Remotely-Sensed Top Soil Moisture Observations with the Particle Filter. Journal of Hydrology 399, 410 - 421. DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.01.020
Montzka, C., M. Canty, P. Kreins, R. Kunkel, G. Menz, H. Vereecken and F. Wendland (2008): Multispectral remotely sensed data in modelling the annual variability of nitrate concentrations in the leachate. Environmental Modelling and Software 23(8), 1070 - 1081. DOI:10.1016/j.envsoft.2007.11.010
Montzka, C., M. Canty, R. Kunkel, G. Menz, H. Vereecken and F. Wendland (2008): Modelling the water balance of a mesoscale catchment basin using remotely sensed land cover data. Journal of Hydrology 353, 322 – 334. DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2008.02.018
Bogena, H., R. Kunkel, C. Montzka and F. Wendland (2005): Uncertainties in the simulation of groundwater recharge at different scales. Advances in Geosciences 5, 25 - 30. DOI: 10.5194/adgeo-5-25-2005