List of my talks
Seminar Talks
Oberseminar Algebra, Stuttgart, 2019: Structure groups of orthomodular lattices.
Oberseminar Algebra, Stuttgart, 2021: Modular noetherian right l-groups. Slides (pdf)
4th Dutch-Belgian Discrete Math Seminar, Brussels, 2023: Getting things done with Constraint Programming. Slides (pdf)
Getaltheorie in het Vlakke Land, Gent, 2023: Noncommutative Disivibility and Garside Theory. Slides (pdf)
Algebra Seminar Caen, France, 2024: Indecomposable solutions to the Yang-Baxter equation. Slides (pdf)
Conferences and Workshops
Algebraic tools for solving the Yang-Baxter equation, Oberwolfach, 2019: Desarguesian Garside groups.
The algebra of the Yang-Baxter equation, Bedlewo, 2022: L-algebras and the Yang-Baxter equation. Slides (pdf)
Skew braces and the Yang-Baxter equation, Oberwolfach 2023: Some problems on L-algebras. Slides (pdf) Extended Abstract (long version)
Groups, Rings and the Yang-Baxter equation, Blankenberge, 2023: Beams and Scaffolds - The art of building modular Garside groups. Slides (pdf)
LOOPS'23, Będlewo, 2023: Beams and Scaffolds - The art of building modular Garside groups. Slides (pdf)
YRAC 2023, L'Aquila, 2023: Labelling Hasse diagrams of modular geometric lattices. Slides (pdf)
From Garside to Yang-Baxter, Caen, 2024: Paraunitary Phenomena. Slides (pdf)