
Reimbursement Form


Procedure to Request a Reimbursement from PTA

  1. Fill out a Check Request & Expense Reimbursement Form (linked below). Please combine your receipts into one Check Request & Expense Reimbursement Form.
  2. All Check Request & Expense Reimbursement Forms MUST be accompanied by the receipts.
  3. MAKE A COPY of your Check Request & Expense Reimbursement Form AND receipts for your own records. This will provide a backup if something gets lost. All forms and receipts submitted will be kept by the Treasurer.
  4. Email form and receipt to the PTA secretary, Stephanie Chay, or place the form and the receipts in the Secretary’s box in the PTA closet.
  5. Once processed, the secretary will send an email to let you know the check is ready and can be picked up from the secretary’s box in the PTA closet. For teachers, the check will be placed in your mailbox in the main office.
  6. If a vendor requires payment in advance, please submit a Check Request & Expense Reimbursement Form along with the INVOICE to the PTA secretary via email or place it in the Secretary’s box in the PTA closet. You must submit these forms at least 14 days prior to when you need the check.
  7. PTA does not mail checks to vendors. You are responsible for getting the check to the vendor.