5 reasons to get fit this year

It’s never too soon to start on a fitness regime. What’s more, the entire family must get in on it, to reap the benefits of good health.

Good health is an ideal that every person should strive for, but not all of us are cognisant of the constant peril we put our bodies through by not taking care of ourselves. Make this year count as the year that you started your fitness journey with StartYas.

What is StartYas?

StartYas is a health initiative aimed at both individuals and families in the UAE, who wish to cycle, walk or jog in a bid to embrace better fitness. It is held at the Yas Marina Circuit and you can enrol for it on their portal.

Here are 5 reasons to enrol for StartYas and embark on a life of improved health this year:

#1 You lose weight and your clothes fit better.

Good health is not about vanity, but to some extent, it could be! Who can deny the thrill they feel when they lose weight through exercise and are able to fit into their old clothes? We’ve all gone through the agony of buying new clothes over and over again as our waistlines ballooned out and our bodies became many sizes larger. It’s time to shed the excess pounds and inches, and get back to a healthy weight and size this year.

#2 It’s all systems go with good health.

Regular exercise like cycling, walking and jogging – all of which you can do at StartYas – keeps your circulatory, respiratory, reproductory and skeletal systems in good health. The sustained workouts, especially when you step up the intensity, can improve the working and conditioning of your body’s systems. Your heart health will improve, so will your joint and muscle fitness, and metabolism.

#3 You are more alert and focussed on all tasks.

Exercise improves mental focus. By the aid of more oxygenated blood reaching your brain, you are less sleepy and able to concentrate better on your work, whether at home or at the office. Combine exercise with regular meditation for better results.

#4 You are more resistant to disease.

Perhaps the biggest advantage of enrolling for the StartYas programme is that you will notice a definite uptick in your overall resistance to illness. If you have been falling ill often, you will notice the frequency begin to taper off when you exercise regularly. The immune system is revved up with regular exercise, so that your body is better equipped to fight infections than before.

#5 The quality of your life improves.

Exercise does not have a single negative side effect, and only a host of positives to offer. Over time, you will feel less stressed, more energetic and much healthier than you used to be. The quality of your life improves in many ways, and longevity increases as well. In turn, you are able to devote a better version of yourself to your loved ones.