
Participants are invited to submit a 2 to 6 page extended abstract on related state-of-the art research. Accepted papers will be presented at the workshop either as a talk or in the form of a poster.

We will assume that submitting authors prefer to present their work as a talk. However, authors who prefer a poster presentation are given the opportunity to communicate this in the submission form.

Important Dates: 

Submissions are accepted until 11:59 pm Anywhere on Earth (AoE)

Please use the ACM Conference Proceedings format for your submission.

Only double-column PDFs will be accepted for the review process and the final publication. Do not anonymize your submission.

Accepted abstracts will be made available on the workshop website prior to the workshop day.

Participants bring the printed posters (in A1 format) themselves on the workshop day and do not have to send them in prior.