December 4, 2023


Cars As Social Agents

A Perspective Shift in Human–Vehicle Interaction 

First workshop on cars as social agents @ HAI23

The rapid advancement of autonomous vehicle (AV) technology has opened up new possibilities and challenges in the domain of human–agent interaction. As AVs become increasingly prevalent on our roads, it is crucial to understand how humans perceive and interact with these intelligent systems.

This workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners to explore the perception of cars as social agents. We explore the shift in user perception and the implications for interactions between autonomous vehicles, human drivers, and vulnerable road users (pedestrians, cyclists, etc.). Additionally, we investigate the communication of goals and intentions between cars and humans, as well as issues related to mixed agency, stakeholder perspectives, in-vehicle avatars, and human–vehicle power dynamics. The workshop aims to uncover the benefits, risks, and design principles associated with this emerging paradigm.


The half-day workshop will encompass interactive presentations with subsequent interdisciplinary discussions, as well as a poster session to foster engagement and collaboration among participants. Participants will have the opportunity to share their research findings, practical experiences, and insights related to human-vehicle interaction from a social agent perspective.

Participants will be invited to submit a 2– to 6-page extended abstract about related state-of-the-art research. To ensure high quality contributions, the best 10 papers will be accepted for presentation at the workshop. Among them, four papers will be given a time frame of 20 minutes to present while the remainder will be presented in an interactive poster session. The workshop will close with a group discussion that summarizes the important points of the workshop.