Short forautomotive glass, auto glass refers to laminated and tempered glass, the twotypes of safety glass used to manufacture windscreens and car windows. Thesafety glass is designed to protect the car and keep its occupants safe.

Effective December 20, 2017, NYS Health department regulations have been updated to specify additional medical conditions that may qualify for an exemption from the limits on light transmittance. If you have one of the medical conditions below that require you to have tinted vehicle windows, you may request an exemption from the law using the Application for Tinted Window Exemption (MV-80W).

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Your A/C will come on during the defrost mode, even in the winter, in order to dry out the air. If you have had moist weahter and your A/C is on the fritz, it is common to have too much moisture in the air in the car. When you park it, the car cools down and the moisture condenses on the windows. The cure for this if you have no A/C, is a long drive at highway speed with the heater on to get rid of the moisture.

Cleaning car windows is a messy job for many car owners. Many times, windows cleaning leaves streaky finish which makes it harder to see than before. We have provided some easy to follow tips to clean car windows without streaks.

The streaks on the car's window appear for a reason. When you wash the car on a hot day or under the sun, the cleaning solution dries up fast and leaves a residue behind that appears as streaks on windows. You can prevent streaks from appearing on the windows by parking your car in the garage before cleaning the windows. Also, you can consider cleaning windows when the climate is cool like in the evening when the sun is not shining directly on your head.

Some of the problems windows and windshield's exterior side has are excessive dirt, water spots and it is exposed to weather and other elements. You can wash the windows and windshield's exterior side when you wash the car. Additionally, you can do this.

The interior side of the windows has a thin transparent film sheet. You should avoid spraying the cleaning solution directly on the windows. The reason behind this is the area of the window is small and a large amount of solution is wasted. When you spray the solution directly on the window, it settles down in corners and crevices which increases your cleaning task unnecessarily.

Early Wednesday morning, vehicle owners at 2 locations near Chattanooga's western Riverfront had the same thing happen. For that incident, dozens of vehicles in 2 nearby locations had their windows smashed.

On Thursday, we spoke with a woman who had just moved to Chattanooga from Arizona who had her windows broken in at a downtown location. She told us this 'wasn't a good look' for the Scenic City, and that she's now rethinking her decision to move here.

Vehicle glass includes windscreens, side and rear windows, and glass panel roofs on a vehicle. Side windows can be either fixed or raised and lowered by depressing a button (power window) or switch or using a hand-turned crank. The power moonroof, a transparent, retractable sunroof, may be considered as an extension of the power window concept. Some vehicles include sun blinds for rear and rear side windows. The windshield of a car is appropriate for safety and protection from debris on the road.[1] The majority of vehicle glass is held in place by glass run channels, which also serve to contain any fragments of glass if the glass breaks.

Vehicle glass other than windshield shatter on impact and hence need replacement. On the other hand, any impact that is more than 3 inches need replacing the windscreen. For most of the vehicle body glass i.e. Door Glass, Vent Glass are non bonded and doesn't require adhesive for installation. But windscreen, sunroof and rear window glass are generally bonded in most of the cars.

Hey! I'm playing the last version of GTA V, with an updated Scripthook, OpenIV, etc. And i've installed around 200~ addon cars with the FOLDER method from Reyser, and also I have installed NVR and WOV.


I downloaded the car & liveries & got the same results as you. Turns out the windows always use the design that is used in 'er34_sign_1'. So it will be impossible (in the current release anyway) to get more than one livery that has a window design element functioning correctly in any one car at any one time (unless similar design etc).

Your best work-around would be to create multiple ER34's, one for each window element livery you use & one for your empty space/no livery (which is admittedly a bit restrictive & convoluted).

@Vsoreny ( URAS-SKYLINE ER34 author) may be able to confirm if it is even possible to have multiple glass designs in the same car?

Edit: Someone else confirmed it IS possible to have multiple on same vehicle. Just not on this car in it's current release it would seem.

Hey! I'm playing the last version of GTA V, with an updated Scripthook, OpenIV, etc. And i've installed around 200~ addon cars with the FOLDER method from Reyser, and also I have installed NVR and WOV.\nI've added some downloaded liveries on some of those cars, they're working on the game, but the part that it's suppossed to appear in the windows, doesn't work.\n\n

\n\n\n\nThey're added renaming the livery to er34_sign_2 and er34_sign_3, so I have and empty space without livery.\n\nThose Liveries are Itasha Drift Livery by zsodd and Evil Empire Vinyl by SEXY. Car is the URAS-SKYLINE ER34 by Vsoreny\nI think that's all the information that you need, ask me if you need to know something more!

\nThanks in advance.\n","tid":"22766","timestamp":"1548322698199","deleted":false,"editor":{"uid":"79241","username":"xEnzo","userslug":"xenzo"},"uid":"79241","upvotes":0,"downvotes":0,"votes":0,"timestampISO":"2019-01-24T09:38:18.199Z","editedISO":"2019-01-24T12:32:56.202Z","index":0,"user":{"uid":"79241","username":"xEnzo","fullname":"","userslug":"xenzo","reputation":"3","postcount":"6","picture":"","signature":"","banned":false,"status":"offline","lastonline":"1653131765601","groupTitle":null,"icon:text":"X","icon:bgColor":"#f44336","lastonlineISO":"2022-05-21T11:16:05.601Z","custom_profile_info":[]},"bookmarked":false,"upvoted":false,"downvoted":false,"selfPost":false,"display_edit_tools":false,"display_delete_tools":false,"display_moderator_tools":false,"display_move_tools":false,"display_post_menu":0},{"edited":"1548810732952","downvotes":0,"pid":"138664","content":"@xEnzo

\nI downloaded the car & liveries & got the same results as you. Turns out the windows always use the design that is used in 'er34_sign_1'. So it will be impossible (in the current release anyway) to get more than one livery that has a window design element functioning correctly in any one car at any one time (unless similar design etc).

\nYour best work-around would be to create multiple ER34's, one for each window element livery you use & one for your empty space/no livery (which is admittedly a bit restrictive & convoluted).

\n@Vsoreny ( URAS-SKYLINE ER34 author) may be able to confirm if it is even possible to have multiple glass designs in the same car?

\nEdit: Someone else confirmed it IS possible to have multiple on same vehicle. Just not on this car in it's current release it would seem. \n\n\n","tid":"22766","toPid":"138656","timestamp":"1548341426278","deleted":false,"editor":{"uid":"78311","username":"a63nt-5m1th","userslug":"a63nt-5m1th"},"upvotes":1,"uid":"78311","votes":1,"timestampISO":"2019-01-24T14:50:26.278Z","editedISO":"2019-01-30T01:12:12.952Z","index":1,"parent":{"username":"xEnzo"},"user":{"uid":"78311","username":"a63nt-5m1th","fullname":"","userslug":"a63nt-5m1th","reputation":"1423","postcount":"2461","picture":"","signature":""Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise." - Lewis Carroll (Alice in Wonderland)\n","banned":false,"status":"offline","lastonline":"1685974438501","groupTitle":null,"icon:text":"A","icon:bgColor":"#33691e","lastonlineISO":"2023-06-05T14:13:58.501Z","custom_profile_info":[]},"bookmarked":false,"upvoted":false,"downvoted":false,"replies":{"users":[],"timestampISO":"","count":0},"selfPost":false,"display_edit_tools":false,"display_delete_tools":false,"display_moderator_tools":false,"display_move_tools":false,"display_post_menu":0}],"category":{"slug":"10/installation-help-troubleshooting","bgColor":"#99dedb","parentCid":"0","link":"","description":"Get help installing a mod or troubleshooting bugs","color":"#fff","disabled":false,"imageClass":"cover","numRecentReplies":"1","icon":"fa-life-saver","post_count":"48765","order":"4","descriptionParsed":"Get help installing a mod or troubleshooting bugs\n","topic_count":"12453","class":"col-md-3 col-xs-6","cid":"10","name":"Installation Help & Troubleshooting","totalPostCount":"48765","totalTopicCount":"12453"},"thread_tools":[{"class":"toggleSolved alert-success topic-unsolved","title":"Mark as Solved","icon":"fa-check-circle"},{"class":"toggleQuestionStatus","title":"Make this a normal topic","icon":"fa-comments"}],"isFollowing":false,"isNotFollowing":true,"isIgnoring":false,"bookmark":null,"postSharing":[],"deleter":null,"deletedTimestampISO":"","related":[],"unreplied":false,"icons":[],"breadcrumbs":[{"text":"[[global:home]]","url":"/"},{"text":"Installation Help & Troubleshooting","url":"/category/10/installation-help-troubleshooting"},{"text":"Liveries do not work on cars windows"}],"privileges":{"topics:reply":false,"topics:read":true,"topics:delete":false,"posts:edit":false,"posts:delete":false,"read":true,"view_thread_tools":false,"editable":false,"deletable":false,"view_deleted":false,"isAdminOrMod":false,"disabled":false,"tid":"22766","uid":0},"topicStaleDays":60,"reputation:disabled":false,"downvote:disabled":false,"feeds:disableRSS":true,"bookmarkThreshold":5,"postEditDuration":31540000,"postDeleteDuration":0,"scrollToMyPost":true,"rssFeedUrl":"/topic/22766.rss","pagination":{"prev":{"page":1,"active":false},"next":{"page":1,"active":false},"rel":[],"pages":[],"currentPage":1,"pageCount":1},"loggedIn":false,"relative_path":"","template":{"name":"topic","topic":true},"url":"/topic/22766/liveries-do-not-work-on-cars-windows","bodyClass":"page-topic page-topic-22766 page-topic-liveries-do-not-work-on-cars-windows"} Internal Error.Oops! Looks like something went wrong!Looks like your connection to Forums was lost, please wait while we try to reconnect. ff782bc1db

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