Travel Essentials

My Favorite Travel Gear

This is our favorite stroller for both girls. We have taken our Zoe all over the world and it's still kicking. Cobble stone streets, Disney pop-up thunderstorms, Chicago winters all have been no match for this lightweight, inexpensive, workhorse of a stroller.

A bit pricer but awesome for travel with just one child. The Babyzen Yoyo fits in the overhead compartment of most airplanes and if not is easily gate checked. I find myself reaching for this one more as our big girl is able to walk with us more and more.

There are other more fancy travel carriers but I LOVE our Tula for its packability. Miss E rode all over the US and Europe in ours. When she wanted to walk it just folded up and tucked into our stroller or the backpack.

Don't let the title of "diaper bag' scare you away. This backpack is perfect for travel. The wide mouth opening makes the entire bag easily accessible. There's a pocket for phone chargers and a cooled place for your water bottles.

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