2018 Photos


Most know that Amesbury is known for the carriages produced throughout the years. Amesbury is also known for the automobile bodies that were produced. From 1895 to 1932, the city of Amesbury had the most automobile body manufacturers in America and those companies were recognized just as much as the carriage builders. For decades, our little city produced more automobile bodies than cities as large as Detroit. Amesbury body manufactures produced bodies for many companies, such as Hudson, Stanley Steamer, Ford, Pierce Arrow, Locomobile, Rolls-Royce, Buick, Cadillac and more.

Our 2018 car show was special because we were able to bring some of those Amesbury bodied vehicles back home after almost century away. Below are some photos of those Amesbury bodied vehicles that were on display at our show.

Below are some more photos from the 2018 Carriagetown Car Show. More can be found on the Facebook page!