Warm up example

The scene I would like to introduce is from the film Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind by Michel Gundry


The movie is a sci-fi romantic film about a man who wants to forget about a girl who broke his heart.

The scene I am going to show is about Joel the main character travelling around his old memories with his modern day girlfriend.


1. How do you think the filmmaker made the lady larger than the man in the scene? Make guesses and try to explain to your group how you would do it if you made the movie.

2. How did the filmmakers use music and sound effects to help with the dream world? Use specific examples that you heard in the scene.

3. Do you think the cast and crew did a good job making the dream/memory sequence? Why or why not? Use specific examples.


I really like the idea and theme of this film. I also like how dreams and memories are portrayed-this could be very challenging to create.