Carpet Cleaning Myths: The Most Common Ones

With so many carpet cleaning myths doing the rounds, you really need to get your facts right. As carpets have become an expensive commodity, you can’t take the risk of implementing a wrong cleaning technique and damaging the carpet permanently.

Let’s find out as to which are the most common carpet cleaning myths:

Myth 1: Vacuuming A Carpet On A Daily Basis Will Wear It Faster

Back in the day, carpets weren’t as durable as they are now. Today, carpet manufacturers make sure that the carpets are able to withstand frequent vacuuming. Modern day carpets can be vacuumed every day without any issue, but make sure the vacuum cleaner is functioning properly. The brush roller of the vacuum cleaner needs to be operational, i.e., it should rotate on its axis as you move the vacuum cleaner back and forth.

Myth 2: Mildew Grows On Carpet When Steam Cleaned

Many people think that steam cleaning a carpet is harmful, as it leads to mildew growth, which is not true. Steam cleaning involves the application of hot steam rather than hot water. Where steam cleaning a carpet isn’t harmful, but if the steam cleaning machine is not working properly or if you don’t know how to use the machine, then that could result in problems. If you linger in one spot for too long, then that could saturate the carpet. Therefore, it is important to call experts to steam clean your carpet(s), so that the process can be carried out in a professional manner.

Myth 3: Baking Soda Cleans The Carpet Effectively

Many people use baking soda to clean their carpets, as they believe it makes the carpet clean and removes all bad odors from the carpet. However, this is not true because baking soda masks unpleasant odors temporarily. As soon as the effect of baking soda goes away, those odors and stains can be seen again. Baking soda will give temporary satisfaction to you, but it is not a reliable solution.

Myth 4: Branded Carpet Cleaners Are Effective To Remove Carpet Stains

Modern carpets incorporate a brand range of materials. If you look at the recommendations made by your carpet manufacturer, then you’ll find that they don’t recommend using a store brand cleaner on the carpet. Using a store carpet cleaner may damage or discolor your carpet fibers, making the stains even more clearly visible. You need to figure out as to what type of materials are used for making the carpet, as only then, you’ll be able to find the best cleaning methods for your carpet.

The time has come for you to bust these carpet cleaning myths in order to discover the most effective and reliable methods to clean the carpet.