Caroline Namanya
I recently defended my PhD thesis with the title Pure braids and group actions from 3-fold flops which was under the supervision of Prof. Michael Wemyss and Prof. David Ssevviiri. Prior to that, I gained my Masters of science in Mathematics from Makerere University.
I was awarded the IMU breakout graduate fellowship for my PhD studies at Makerere University.
I was at SLmath( formerly MSRI) as a programme associate from Febuary 2024 to April 2024.
Contact information
I am happy to announce that there will be a series of zoom lectures on advanced topics in algebraic geometry, given by Balazs Szendroi,
University of Vienna.
1. Review of affine and projective algebraic geometry
2. Sheaves of modules in algebraic geometry
3. Divisors and differentials
4. Cohomology of sheaves
These will take place on Wednesdays 1pm Vienna / 3pm Kampala for Wednesday 13th, 20th, 27th November, and 11 December (not 4 Dec).
If you are interested in attending, please email me or Balazs Szendroi.
Research and Talks
The following is a complete list of my papers/preprints, all of which are available on the arXiv:
Presentation of pure braid groups via longest elements, J. Algebra 628 (2023) 1--21 ( )
Group actions from algebraic flops (
Here is a list of talks I have given
October 2022-- Pure braid group presentations via longest elements in the Algebra and Number theory seminar at University of Glasgow, UK.
September 2022-- Pure braid group presentations via longest elements in the Aarhus homological algebra group seminar at Aarhus University, Denmark, online.
August 2022-- Gave a presentation on the paper titled Faithful actions from hyperplane arrangements by Yuki Hirano and Michael Wemyss in the Informal meetings of the enhancing represention theory, noncommutative algebra and geometry, Glasgow, uk.
March 2022-- Pure Braid Groups, Presentations and Applications Abram Gannibal Project Oxford,UK
December 2021-- Lecture on Quiver representations in the EAALG Workshop:Introduction to Homological Algebra and Discrete Geometry., kampala, Uganda, online