Carolin Pflueger, 2023, Online Appendix for "Back to the 1980s or Not? The Drivers of Inflation and Real Risks in Treasury Bonds"
Carolin Pflueger and Gianluca Rinaldi, 2022, Online Appendix for "Why Does the Fed Move Markets so Much? A Model of Monetary Policy and Time-Varying Risk Aversion"
Wenxin Du, Carolin Pflueger, and Jesse Schreger, 2020,Online Appendix for "Sovereign Debt Portfolios, Bond Risks, and the Credibility of Monetary Policy"
Carolin Pflueger, Emil Siriwardane, and Adi Sunderam, 2020,Financial Market Risk Perceptions and the Macroeconomy: Internet Appendix
John Y. Campbell, Carolin Pflueger, and Luis M. Viceira, 2019, Appendix: Macroeconomic Drivers of Bond and Equity Risks
Johnny Kang and Carolin Pflueger, 2013, Supplementary Materials to Inflation Risk in Corporate Bonds
Jose Luis Montiel Olea and Carolin Pflueger, 2013, A Robust Test for Weak Instruments: Supplementary Materials
Carolin Pflueger and Luis M. Viceira, 2013, Appendix: Return Predictability in the Treasury Market: Real Rates, Inflation, and Liquidity