
I am a Ph.D. candidate at Washington State University (WSU). I expect to complete my Ph.D. in Economics at the School of Economic Sciences by April 2024. I have also obtained a master’s degree in Statistics at WSU whereby I used numerous tools related to Machine learning, Time series, Factor analysis, and Computational statistics. My primary research area is in Labor Economics, Development Economics, and the Economics of Technology. My research interest also includes wage inequalities, stock of knowledge, human capital, and reverse brain drain.

The first chapter of my dissertation investigates the effect of technology on real average wages across the U.S. manufacturing sector. The paper examines the wage differentials of subsectors intensive in capital, productive in labor, and requesting professional and technical services. I apply a Two-Stage Least-Squares (2-SLS) with a two-way fixed effects model where I use knowledge stock index as an instrument for technology. The second chapter revisits the societal welfare with an inequality adjusting global wellbeing index derived from a Panel-Factor Analysis. My third chapter applies the double exponential specification coined by Caballero and Jaffe (1993) to examine the decay and diffusion rates of technological knowledge in the U.S. manufacturing sector.

I have been an instructor at WSU for several undergraduate courses including Introductory Econometrics, International Trade and Finance, Advanced Food Economics and Marketing, and Economics Capstone during my Ph.D. program. I have also earned a rich teaching experience in Microeconomics, Statistics, and Econometrics at undergraduate level in Haiti. Before my Ph.D. at WSU, I served as an Economist at the Ministry of Economics and Finance, as Economist and Statistician at the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, in Haiti. I have also worked as a Statistician at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and at the Board of the State University.

Carly Dollin
