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Assistant Professor, Univ. of Lisbon, ISEG-Lisbon School of Economics and Management, Sep '17-present (tenured since May 9, 2023)
Assistant Professor, Univ. of South Carolina, Darla Moore School of Business, United States, Aug '15-Aug '17
Assistant Professor, Erasmus University Rotterdam, School of Economics & RSM, Netherlands, Jan '09-Dec '14
Lecturer, ISCTE-IUL, Dep. of Quant. Methods for Management and Economics, Lisbon, Portugal, Sep '03-Aug '04
Research Fellow, Netspar - Network for Research on Pensions, Aging, and Retirement, Netherlands, Jan '09-present
Associate Member, ISCTE - IUL, Business Research Unit, Lisbon, Portugal, Mar '15-Sep '17
Academic Director, Marketing Management MSc, RSM, Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam, Netherlands, Mar '11-Dec '14
Doctoral Candidate, Tilburg Univ., Marketing Department, Netherlands, Sep '05-Aug '08
PhD in Marketing, Tilburg University, 24 Nov '10
MPhil in Marketing, Tilburg University, Sep '04-Aug '05
Postgraduate in Data Analysis, ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon, Sep '02-Aug '03
Licenciatura in Economics (5-year curriculum), Catholic Univ. Lisbon (Bocconi Erasmus exchange), Sep '96-Jun '01
Publications in Double-Blind Refereed International Journals
Aghaie, S., Charles H. Noble, and Carlos J.S. Lourenço (2023), "Credible vs. deceptive threat of market entry: Empirical evidence from the US airline industry," Industrial Marketing Management, 115, November, 27-43.
Lourenço, C. J. S., Isabella, G., Verbeke, W., Vo, K., Dimoka, A., & Bagozzi, R. P. (2023), "How songs from growing up and viewers' attachment styles affect video ads' effectiveness," Psychology & Marketing, 40(1), 209–233.
Lourenço, Carlos J.S., Benedict G.C. Dellaert, and Bas Donkers (2020), "Whose Algorithm Says So: The Relationships Between Type of Firm, Perceptions of Trust and Expertise, and Acceptance of Financial Robo-Advice," Journal of Interactive Marketing, 49, February, 107-124.
Lourenço, Carlos J.S., Els Gijsbrechts, and Richard Paap (2015), "The Impact of Category Prices on Store Price Image Formation: An Empirical Analysis," Journal of Marketing Research, 52(2), April, 200-216. [appeared in Dutch trade retail and marketing publications: "Academic Update" in Foodmagazine, July 2015 (p.45); "Studies" in Tijdschrift voor Marketing, July 2016]
Lourenço, Carlos J.S., Els Gijsbrechts, (2013), "The Impact of National Brand Introductions on Hard Discounter Image and Share-of-Wallet," International Journal of Research in Marketing, 30(4), 368-382.
Working Papers
Lourenço, Carlos J.S., Amir Javadinia, Mark Boons, and Mart Evers (2018), “Making Ideas Break Through the Crowd: The Efficacy of Marketing Communication Instruments and the Success of Crowdfunding.” [2018 AMA Winter Conference Best Paper in 'Advertising and Communications', New Orleans, LA (pdf)]
Aghaie, Sina, Carlos J.S. Lourenço, and Charles H. Noble (2019), "Fighting Through Price and Service: Using Marketing Tactics to Thwart Low-Cost Entrants."
Lourenço, Carlos J.S., and Els Gijsbrechts (2015), "Details and Big Pictures: Consumer Use of Actual Prices and Price Images When Choosing a Store."
Lourenço, Carlos J.S., Sandra Maximiano, Camilla Zallot (2015), "Lying Aversion."
Bas Donkers, Carlos J.S. Lourenço, Benedict Dellaert, and Dan Goldstein (2013), "Using Preferred Outcome Distributions to Estimate Value and Probability Weighting Functions in Decisions Under Risk." (SSRN)
Double-Blind Refereed Papers on Netspar - Network for Research on Pensions, Aging, and Retirement, Netherlands
Dellaert, Benedict, Bas Donkers, Carlos J.S. Lourenço (2017), “Consumer Acceptance of Online Pension Investment Advice,” Netspar Paper Series.
Donkers, Bas, Carlos J.S. Lourenço, Daniel Goldstein, Benedict Dellaert (2013), “Building a Distribution Builder: Design Considerations for Financial Investment and Pension Decisions,” Netspar Design Paper.
Donkers, Bas, Carlos J.S. Lourenço, Benedict Dellaert (2012), “Measuring and Debiasing Consumer Pension Risk Attitudes,” Netspar Panel Paper 28.
Refereed Reports and Proceedings
Lourenço, Carlos J.S., Amir Javadinia, Mark Boons, and Mart Evers (2018), “Making Ideas Break Through the Crowd: The Efficacy of Marketing Communication Instruments and the Success of Crowdfunding,” 2018 AMA Winter Academic Conference, Vol. 29, Editors: Jacob Goldenberg, Juliano Laran, Andrew Stephen, New Orleans, LA (pdf) [Best Paper in 'Advertising and Communications']
Lourenço, Carlos J.S. and Sara Rafael Almeida (2016), “Quantified-Self and Health-Related Outcomes,” Health, Technology, and Moralization Workshop, The Netherlands: Delft University of Technology, Department of Philosophy, December. (pdf)
Khoi Vo, Giuliana Isabella, Angelika Dimoka, Willem Verbeke, Carlos J.S. Lourenço, Richard Bagozzi (2016), “Music and Nostalgia: Understanding the Impact of Music in Older Consumers,” 6th Annual Interdisciplinary Symposium on Decision Neuroscience 2016, Fox School of Business, Temple University, PA, USA. (pdf)
Lourenço, Carlos J.S. and Gijsbrechts, E. (2009), “Details and big pictures: Consumers' use of actual prices and price images when choosing a store,” Proceedings of the 2009 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference. Anderson, E. & Feinberg, F. (eds.). USA: University of Michigan.
Lourenço, Carlos J.S. and Gijsbrechts, E. (2008), “Dynamic store price image formation and category pricing,” Proceedings of the 2008 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference. Canada: University of British Columbia. (pdf)
Lourenço, Carlos J.S. and Gijsbrechts, E. (2007), “In search of lighthouse categories: Dynamic store price image formation and category pricing,” Proceedings of the 2007 Marketing Dynamics Conference. The Netherlands: University of Groningen.
Lourenço, Carlos J.S. (2006), “Store Price Image: The Missing Link,” EMAC Doctoral Colloquium, January, Athens. (pdf)
Carvalho, Helena and Carlos J.S: Lourenço (2006), “Modelos multinível e dados hierárquicos (Multilevel models and hierarchical data),” in L.C. Castro, E.G. Martins, C. Rocha, M.F. Oliveira, and M.M.L.F. Rosado (Eds.), Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference of the Portuguese Statistical Society, pp. 257-265), SPE Editions. (pdf)
Professional and Popularizing Publications
Lourenço, Carlos J.S. and Sandro Mendonça (2015), “Apontamentos Sobre Economia Comportamental e Possíveis Implicações Políticas” (Notes About Behavioral Economics and Policy Implications), Cadernos de Economia, Ed. Ordem dos Economistas, Jan/Mar, 32-36. (pdf)
Donkers, Bas, Carlos J.S. Lourenço, Daniel G. Goldstein, and Benedict G.C. Dellaert (2014), “The Distribution Builder: An Interactive Online Tool to Support Consumers in Financial Investment and Pension Decisions,” A.E. Bronner, et al., eds. Ontwikkelingen in het Marktonderzoek: Jaarboek 2014 Markt Onderzoek Associatie (available in Dutch), Haarlem: Spaar en Hout, 217-228 [one of the top-3 nominees for the MOAwards 2014]
“Futuro hoje,” (Future now) in Económico, August 9, 2013.
“Dynamic Store Price Image Formation and Category Pricing,” EMAC Chronicle, nº10/October 2011 (page 11)
“Da terra que somos,” (We are where we are from) in Correio da Beira Serra, August 5, 2008.
“Quanto Vale Uma Imagem,” (How Much Is An Image Worth) in Empresas Mil Maiores, Out. 2006, Edições DN.
3-weekly opinion articles in Diário de Notícias from 2006 to 2007 (Portuguese top-5 newspaper; links are broken):
A manifestação e as sondagens (The demonstration and the polls, Mar 13, 2007)
Uma vitória, um desafio (A victory, a challenge, Feb 13, 2007)
Marca(r) em 30 segundos (Brand(ing) in 30 seconds, Jan 23, 2007)
Erros de previsão (Forecasting errors, Jan 2, 2007)
Feliz Natal (Merry christmas, Dec 19, 2006)
Não há fumo sem fogo (There's no smoke without fire, Nov 21, 2006)
Tristezas não pagam dívidas (Sorrow does not pay any debts, Oct 31, 2006)
Malabarismos da contabilidade mental (Mental accounting tricks, Oct 17, 2006)
O desporto nacional não é o futebol (The national sport is not football, Sep 26, 2006)
Uma questão de Português e Matemática (A matter of portuguese and maths, Sep 5, 2006)
Gratuito até quando? (Free: until when?, Aug 8, 2006)
Uma questão de (bom) ambiente (A matter of (good) environment, Jul 18, 2006)
Um jogo arriscado (A risky game, Jun 27, 2006)
O preço certo (The price is right, Jun 6, 2006)
Néon na praça pública (Public square neon, May 16, 2006)
A rede do poder (Net power, Apr 18, 2006)
Esparguete à portuguesa (Portuguese spaghetti, Mar 28, 2006)
Hipotética revolução (no 'marketing') (The revolution's probability, Mar 6, 2006)
Entendimento útil mas não suficiente (A necessary yet not sufficient agreement, Feb 14, 2006)
A publicidade do 'marketing' (Marketing's marketing, Jan 24, 2006)
Doctoral and MPhil Dissertations
Lourenço, Carlos J.S. (2010), “Consumer Models of Store Price Image Formation and Store Choice,” Doctoral Dissertation, Tilburg University, November 24, 2010. Promotor: Els Gijsbrechts. Committee: Bart Bronnenberg, Inge Geyskens, Els Gijsbrechts, Richard Paap, Koen Pauwels. (pdf) [appeared in Dutch trade retail publications and industry press (and elsewhere online): “Econoom grijpt het fenomeen prisjimago,” (Economist studies the price image phenomenon), Foodmagazine, pp. 38-39, January 2011. “Supermarkten weten weinig over prijsimago,” (Supermarkets know little about price image), interview in Distrifood, p. 5, November 27, 2010.]
Lourenço, Carlos J.S. (2005), “Store Price Image: Empirical Findings From Individual- and Store-Level Data,” MPhil Dissertation, Tilburg University, August 29, 2005. Supervisor: Els Gijsbrechts. Defense: Harald van Heerde, Els Gijsbrechts. (pdf)
PhD Advisor
Sina Aghaie, “Essays on the Dynamics of Firms' Market Entry and Exit Decisions and Their Relation with Marketing Strategies: Evidence From the Airline Industry,” Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina, 2016-present. [2019 job placement: Marketing Department at W. Frank Barton School of Business, Wichita State University, Kansas, United States]
1. University of Lisbon, ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics and Management, Portugal
Behavioral Economics and Finance, Undergrad. level, 2023-24 (Fall Semester)
Experimental Economics, Undergrad. level, 2023-24 (Spring Semester)
Finlab, Undergrad. level, 2023-24 (Spring Semester)
Introduction to Microeconomics, Undergrad. level, 2017-18 to 2023-24 (Fall Semester)
Economics and Business Information, Undergrad. level, 2019-20 to 2023-24 (Spring semester)
Applied Economics Undergrad Final Project, Undergrad level, 2019-20 to 2023-24 (Spring semester)
Economics Project Evaluation, Undergrad. level, 2017-18 (Spring Semester)
Research Methods, MSc level, 2017-18 to 2023-24 (Spring semester)
Research Methods, PhD level, 2018-19 to 2023-24 (Fall semester)
2. NOVA University of Lisbon, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Portugal
Markets and Consumer Behavior, MSc level, Spring semester, 2020-2021
3. Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
Panel Data and Hierarchical Models, SemeAD XX, November 6-10, 2017
4. Darla Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina, United States
Pricing Strategy and Analytics, Senior level, 2016-2017 (teaching evaluations: 4.3/5, 4.6/5)
Pricing Strategy and Analysis, MBA level, 2016-2017 (teaching evaluations: 3.7/5, 4.0/5)
Introduction to Bayesian Econometrics Using Matlab, PhD Workshop, Apr 20, 2017
5. Rotterdam School of Management, The Netherlands
Consumer Marketing Research, 2011-2014 (teaching evaluations: 3.9/5, 4.5/5, 4.1/5, 4.3/5)
Marketing Strategy Research, 2013 (teaching evaluations: 4.1/5)
Advisor and co-reader MSc. Thesis in Marketing, MSc. level, 2011-2014, namely advisor of the following students:
Camilla Zallot, nominated for Erasmus Best Mkt. Thesis Award 2014
Iris Steenkamp, nominated for Erasmus Best Mkt. Thesis Award 2014
Anne Roozendaal, nominated for Erasmus Best Mkt. Thesis Award 2012
Mart Evers, winner of Rotterdam Communication Thesis (RCSP) award 2012 (€1500) and Erasmus Best Mkt. Thesis Award 2012 (€1250))
Daisy Verma, “What's in a (Brand's) Name? The Effects of Brand Name Characteristics on Product Success,” 2012 (pdf)
6. University of Calabria, Italy
Panel Data and Hierarchical Models, Summer School, September 2-6, 2013
7. Erasmus School of Economics, The Netherlands
Retailing, MSc. level, 2010-2011 (teaching evaluations: 4.1/5, 4.4/5)
Introduction to Marketing, BSc. level, 2009-2011 (teaching evaluations: 4.3/5, 4.1/5, 4.4/5)
Advisor and co-reader MSc. Thesis in Marketing, MSc. level, 2009-2011, namely advisor of the following students:
René Yark, nominated for the Rabobank Anton Dreesmann Thesis Award 2013
Jan van de Hoef, nominated for Erasmus Best Mkt. Thesis Award 2011
Ronald Veldman, winner of the Dutch Royal AMMA Award 2010 for best student advertising research
Stefan Bakker, nominated for Erasmus Best Mkt. Thesis Award 2010
Elisa López, winner of Erasmus Best Mkt. Thesis Award 2009 (€1500)
8. Tilburg University, The Netherlands
International Business - Marketing, MSc. level, 2008 (teaching evaluations: 4.6/5)
Marketing Research, MSc. level, 2007 (with Els Gijsbrechts)
Advisor and co-reader BSc. Thesis in Marketing, BSc. level, 2006-2007
Co-reader MSc. Thesis in Marketing, MSc. level, 2006-2008
9. Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE - IUL), Lisbon, Portugal
Statistics II for Social Sciences, MSc. level, 2004 (website with pdf materials (link is broken) w/ Helena Carvalho)
Statistics I for Social Sciences, MSc. level, 2003
*Certified Trainer for Professional Education and Training, IEFP - Institute for Employment and Job Training, Portugal (valid in all EU)
Blogging "A Pente-Fino" (The Fine-Tooth Comb), Sep. 2007-Apr. 2009
Field market research, SWIRL, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2003
Web Marketing and Management, Companhia Própria, Portugal, 2001
Italian - Level 1, Institute for Languages and Informatics, Portugal, Sep 2000 - Jan 2001
Call-Centre assistant in part-time, ONI Telecommunications, Portugal, Oct 2000 - Jan 2001
Theatre NOSTER, actor/general collaborator, Catholic University, Portugal, 1999-2001
B&W photography and darkroom printing, NAF, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal, 1997 (also here)