
Game Design

The most important part in my academic plans for game design is helping the students learn that they don't design for themselves. Guiding them through iterative processes and stating a solid base of testing and working by small objectives is my main goal. Creating an interesting design not only focusing on products and revenues, but on the power of the interactive experience to impact the users of your game.

Experimental Design Workspace

As you might have noticed if you read until here, is that I encourage new developers to "play with play". Experimenting on their own weird ideas and landing them is incredibly important. That's why I've been in charge of some workspaces where we used Makey Makey to create our own physical interface for a specific game instead of the regular opposite. A good example I made for this Workshop is "La Forja", where two players grab a hammer and have to alternately hit an anvil with the indications of the screen to make the longest sword in a specific time.

Jam Mentorships

Jammageddon 2022

Jam Cultura Abierta 2021