Carlos Galvez

Physical Education - Life Skills - STEAM Teacher - #PubPDasia founder - Presenter - Google Certified Innovator & Trainer

I'm a passionate Physical Education teacher who understands that just as our students learn new things every day, so do we. Nothing stops me from learning things that are outside of what I teach things. This I believe is a trait that all educators should have. I strive daily to take risks and know that failure is the first step in succeeding. I consider myself a physical education teacher with a love for innovation and am constantly seeking to empower my students with tools that will enhance their learning. Being able to share these tools and practices with other educators is a passion of mine. I've presented at conferences around the world including 21st Century Learning, APPEC, PHASE, ACAMIS Leadership, Learning2, EdTechTeam Summits, Google Innovator SWE17 Coach, ChargedUP Education, Physedagogy and more . I'm also a Google Certified Innovator, Google Certified Trainer and MIE

Workshop Line Up

Google Educator L1 and L2 Training for Educators

Looking to take your Googliness to the next level in the classroom? Get training to pass you level 1 and level 2 Google Educator Certifications. Through this workshop you'll learning the little tips and tricks that the Google Suite has to offer and learn to adapt them to pedagogical approaches in your classes. Click here for the checklist covered. Then you can even shoot for the moonshot dream and apply for the Google Innovator Program!

Using Drones and 360 Cameras yet? Here’s how to make amazing assessments.

Having some time now working with drones and 360 cameras in PE I've gone through lots of trial and error. Through lots of experimentation if been now able to create great student assessments and maximised student learning with these technologies. Attendees will also see what products are out there as well as and the secrets to video sharing and annotating with the free online tools to help them minimise work and planning time. Length: 1 Hour Related article:

Creating VR spaces with 360 Images

This interactive session will show you how to easily build your own VR spaces and populate them yourself with teaching objectives. This tool will also explore google cardboard so students themselves can create their own augmented reality adventures. Learn to showcase student work, create your own virtual field trips and even showcase your school's events and facilities with these tools. We provide the cardboard so only your device is needed. Together we will explore the best free tools like Holobuilder, Storyspheres, CoSpaces etc and the qualities of each one. You don't need to own a 360 camera as we will also discuss apps that can do this for us as well! Length: 1 Hour More info video: HERE

Passion 2.0: How I created a Dance Crew with my students not knowing it was me.

After realizing some of my students seemed quite keen to break dance, I decided to do the right thing. Disguise myself as a highschool dancer seeking to start a revolution and recruited them. They soon became friends and began to do the challenges that I was sending them. Through their gamified experience the managed to perform flashmob, teach dancing and even school assemblies. This workshop will narrate the story of how it happened and will take you through the different ways you can start passion programs in your own schools. We'll also take a look at, a website for ideas and brainstorming. Like I always say. "You don't have to be an expert, you only have to have a passion for passions." This project was accepted as my Google Certified Innovator Project. Length: 1 Hour or 8 minute Keynote or Petcha Kutcha More info Slide Deck: HERE Website HERE

Sparking Change - The Contemporary Educator

The modern day educator has evolved and become a multitalented collaborator. This presentation shows good examples of best practices going on around the world that can help others see how far you can really go as an educator, if you just get out of your comfort zone. Roni Habib once said. "The deepest level of understanding does not come from technology but through relationships." These words are incredibly true and we as educators should be working hard to create these not only with other educators but with our students.The presentation also runs through a protocol that enable them to put those collaborations into practice. Length: 30 minutes

Gamification in Physical Education - Doable

Gamification is the use of game design and mechanics to enhance non-game contexts by increasing participation, engagement, loyalty and competition. These methods can include points, leaderboards, direct competitions and stickers or badges, and can be found in industries as varied as personal healthcare, retail—and, of course, education.

But how might we do this when we have limited time in our classes and wanna maximise movement during these periods? Join me as we investigate platforms that spark intrinsic motivation in Physical Education as we separate carrot dangling from real, valuable, meaningful gamified learning. Slide Deck Here

Passion Projects: EduFad or EduFab?

Passion Projects, 20 Time, Genius Hour, AMPed etc. So many names and phrases have been thrown out there in recent years but are they really fulfilling their purpose? Are the time and effort you and your learners putting in worth it?" Join Carlos and Jess (and other special guests) to a create CPP and modify or design a customized program from scratch for your own school. In addition, we will talk about overcoming challenges such as student agency, motivation, and drive, teacher buy-in, and mapping. This workshop is for anyone seeking to start or improve "passion-based" learning programs in their schools.

My Journey Into Leadership

How does Google define leadership? Well, some years back Google decided to to really get to the bottom of what are the components and norms of a perfect team. Is it the people involved? Is it the norms those teams run? Also, what are the qualities in a manager that Google has found to be the most effective? After Project Aristotle and Project Oxygen results, Google hasn't looked back. This presentation will also blend in with my life story and how I ended up becoming a leader in my community and a point of reference as an innovator. Length: 30 minutes or 15 minute Keynote

Breakout EDU

We all know Breakout EDU creates ultra-engaging learning games for people of all ages. Games teach teamwork, problem solving, critical thinking, and troubleshooting by presenting participants with challenges that ignite their natural drive to problem-solve. This workshop will take you through an actual breakout and will also give time for teachers to design their own breakouts within their student levels. This workshop will also explore other types of breakout options such as digital and 360 Breakouts. Teachers will be ready to start implementing this powerful in their classrooms right away! Length: 1 Hour Slide Deck: HERE

Appsmashing for Dummies

Appsmashing might sound confusing. It actually isn't at all! We will learn about the concept of appsmashing and even get to work creating our own projects with simple, fun and effective apps that will leave your kids wanting more! Educators will work in groups to discover how to use the tools in the classroom setting, define possible learning objectives using the tool, and design a lesson using the tool. Join in the fun as we learn together about the best technology tools on the market today.

Collaborative Slide Decks 2.0

Have you ever used Google Slides and Power Point online as collaboration tools? I do very often and have managed to create collaborative slide decks of over 35 students at one time! Using such powerful tools like these really set students off and can really highlight collaborative learning like nothing else all while the teachers sit back and monitor from their own computer. This workshop shows you not just how to create lessons and whole units sharing one slide deck but will also demonstrate how simple it is to share them online either on class blogs or as individual online presentations. Length: 1 Hour. More info Slide Deck: HERE


Risk taking and and not being afraid to fail are important skills that every educator must have in order to find success with trying new technologies or new ideas. This presentation takes attendees through the challenges of seeing ideas through and motivates them to see the benefits of failure for growth. It also allows time for reflexion and help educators analyse why projects and ideas have failed for them in the past and gives them a chance to try them again after seeing the value in failing the first time. This presentation seeks to motivate educators and to help change their mindsets about their practices and see the benefits in risk taking. Length: Petcha Kutcha More info Slide Deck: HERE

TeachNology: Tech as an added value. Not a replacement to teaching (workshop in development)

Tech is evolving rapidly and we need to always remember that technology is not a substitute to teaching but rather an added value to understanding. In my experience as an avid tech user I’ve learned that the real tech users in my class aremmy very own students. Learn how to take full advantage of your students’ knowledge to create great projects and assessments. This allows us as PE teachers to focus on making every minute on active time. Attendees will see first hand that the difference between in technology and innovation is just a mindset change.