The qualities of goat milk soap are really interesting. Because of how it feels and the qualities that milk seems to give soap, many people seek it out. The soap's color is another benefit. If you make it properly, which in my opinion is the right approach, you will automatically receive colored soap that distinguishes it from soap created with water.

If the heat of the lye and milk reaction is not controlled when making goat milk soap, the soap will turn burnt brown in color.

You could anticipate milk soap to look like that, but not me. My finished uncolored soap should be a pale white shade with just a hint of tan. By keeping the lye and milk mixture cool as you add lye to milk, you can achieve that lovely color. Know more about, Can I sell goat milk in Ontario? 

It's simple to add various colors to your milk soap as well.

You can use any of the available pigments, however I like to use natural source colors in my goat milk soap recipe rather than the high-tech, brilliant pigments. Here are few that I utilize and what to anticipate from each.

A popular powder made from rose hips, this plant material has a pinkish hue. This powder can be used in numerous ways. My preferred method is to add a little to a little amount of your blended soap right after trace starts. After thoroughly combining it, add it to the soap. As opposed to attempting to blend powder into a sizable batch of soap, that makes it far simpler to obtain a nice mix.

The powdered form of spirulina, which is naturally an algae, is another fascinating substance. As you can anticipate, this gives you a really bright green hue that lasts for a very long period.

Use turmeric powder for a yellow-orange color. Like many of these natural hues, this one is muted at first glance yet stands out immediately.

Kelp is comparable to spirulina. Yet, kelp gives off a lighter gray-green hue. There is actually more gray than green.

Annatto seed is frequently used as colour in commercial items. A mild yellow-orange is the result. Instead of adding the ground seeds to the nearly-completed soap, it works better to soak the seeds in a portion of the basic oils and then use that oil in the soap.

The hue of beet root powder is a persistent murky yellow. These yellow tints look extremely nice and function best with a lighter-tinted base soap that isn't too dark to begin with. Another justification for making your soap carefully is to stay away from burnt-milk dark brown.

The Calendula Flower is another plant substance used to color the basic oils. Oil can be used to make light yellow soap by soaking flowers in it first.

Why not color with paprika, to finish? Add Paprika powder to the nearly finished soap liquid to get red-orange hues. Paprika red is a vibrant and durable color that complements a wide range of soap scents.

Try to keep the plain soap lightly colored by managing temperatures if you want goat milk soap with natural hues. The wide range of natural components that make coloring soap simple to do are a fantastic option.

Al Bullington and his family created a system for making money with natural soap and related items like salves and shampoo over the course of many years of creating and selling soap.