Topics in Dynamic Macroeconomics for Emerging Economies

(PhD. Program, University of Mannheim, Fall 2023)

The goal of the course is to study the sources of short run economic fluctuations and the main transmission mechanisms in small open economies, with an emphasis on developing countries. After introducing the prototype RBC framework for a small open economy, the course will extend it in several dimensions to account for relevant features in emerging economies, as interest rate and terms of trade shocks, financial frictions, sovereign default, and labor market frictions. For each topic, the theoretical framework will be developed together with the tools to solve the models numerically and a review of the empirical evidence.

You can find here the syllabus (pdf)


Part 1 - Business cycle models for small open economies

Part 2 - Accounting for business cycles in emerging economies

Part 3 - Labor market frictions and the business cycle

Part 4 - Financial frictions and the business cycle

Matlab Codes:

Part 1 - Business cycle models for small open economies

Part 2 - Accounting for business cycles in emerging economies

Part 3 - Labor market frictions and the business cycle

Part 4 - Financial frictions and the business cycle

Take-Home Exams: