
National and International Seminar Communications

Invited talk entitled: “On discrete Al-Salam-Carlitz I-Sobolev type polynomials of higher order and q-difference equations".

Talk entitled: "Matrix relations between Jacobi matrices, higher-order recurrence formulas, and Sobolev-type orthornormal polynomials".

Invited talk entitled: "On Sobolev-type inner products, matrix factorizations, and higher-order recurrence formulas".

Talk entitled: "Detección de isomorfismos proyectivos de curvas elípticas e hiperelípticas planas".

Talk entitled: "Plane curves birational to elliptic and hyperelliptic curves and projective equivalences".

Invited talk entitled: "Propiedades analíticas de polinomios ortogonales de tipo Laguerre-Krall".

Talk entitled: "On certain systems of symmetric Al-Salam Carlitz I Sobolev-type orthogonal polynomials of higher order".

Talk entitled: “Una introducción a la teoría de polinomios ortogonales”.