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I am a postdoc in Differential Geometry at UQAM, Montréal, working in the CIRGET laboratory with Julien Keller.

Previously, I worked at  SISSA and IGAP with Jacopo Stoppa.

Starting September 2024 I will move to Université Lyon 1 as a Marie Skłodowska-Curie postdoctoral fellow, working on the project CR-Yamabe problem, Kähler metrics and K-stability (CRYamKmetKstab) with Eveline Legendre.

My research focus is on Kähler geometry, particularly on the existence of Kähler metrics with special curvature properties, such as (in increasing generality) Kähler-Einstein metrics, constant scalar curvature (cscK) metrics or extremal Kähler metrics.

For an introduction to these topics I recommend this book by Gábor Székelyhidi and two papers by Richard Thomas and Julius Ross and Ruadhaí Dervan.

I am mainly interested in problems where the existence of metrics with special curvature properties is coupled with other aspects of the theory of complex manifolds, like the study of deformations of complex structures.

Here you can find a brief CV (not always up to date).