News and Articles/Books by & from and Board & other Social Scientists.

Dear Reader, How are you today? 21/05/2023. 🙂 The topic of Capitalism is high in Jamaica right now, whether or not you are aware or even know what it means. ‘Jamaican Marxist Society in 2023 'Authored by Criminologist and Violence against Men Advocate- R.A.Blake M.A.C.J.

This article is a snippet from the new book: Jamaica- Classism, Colourism, Capitalism Colonization, Corruption and Criminal Justice. Written by Criminologist R.A.Blake., M.A.C.J.

A quick overview of the Marxian theory and where Capitalism perspective is derived. It has to be noted although Marx did not study crime and lawlessness, he did however found in his writing of society, which crime stems from a broken social system.

Jamaica and Jamaican's need to focus on De-moralization corruption. De-moralization is the means to which an individual displays selfishness, contributing to the creation of an egotistical environment. This demonstrates that individuals corrupt public power for private gain.

On the other hand, capitalism had positive effect as a predictor of homicide rates. This increase is visible as Criminality and criminal activity is higher, when society and its residence feels they are being dismissed, disregarded and person's being disingenuous to them and their community.

Pass research has found that capitalism help predicts homicide rates, yes Capitalism does help, but does not provide adequate alone explanation for lethal violence.

To evolve into a prosperous community leader, environmental variables and resources need to be an issue that needs discussing. These include personality conflicts between manager and team, authority, and their constituents. Peace needs to be maintained between the record-keeping processes, of how an organization or municipality performs.

As well as the system and programs that will hold the leaders and staff answerable to their residents. There is likewise a need for continuous updates with the technology being used, and goals and consequences that may be raised regardless of the community size. This is referred to as the ‘Contingency Theory’

Snippet from the unreleased 2023 book, coined: Jamaica: Classism, Colourism, Capitalism, Corruption, Colonization and Criminal Justice. Or, Jamaica's Six C's. [shortname].

Thank you for taking the time to reading this article. Looking forward to the full book, out for 8.6.23.

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