Download Thumbs Up In The Air

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Opposability of the thumb should not be confused with a precision grip as some animals possess semi-opposable thumbs yet are known to have extensive precision grips (Tufted Capuchins for example).[35] Nevertheless, precision grips are usually only found in higher apes, and only in degrees significantly more restricted than in humans.[36]

Opposable thumbs are shared by some primates, including most catarrhines.[9_______________] The climbing and suspensory behaviour in orthograde apes, such as chimpanzees, has resulted in elongated hands while the thumb has remained short. As a result, these primates are unable to perform the pad-to-pad grip associated with opposability. However, in pronograde monkeys such as baboons, an adaptation to a terrestrial lifestyle has led to reduced finger length and thus hand proportions similar to those of humans. Consequently, these primates have dexterous hands and are able to grasp objects using a pad-to-pad grip. It can thus be difficult to identify hand adaptations to manipulation-related tasks based solely on thumb proportions.[40]

I was having a video call with my girlfriend, then a blue bubble with a thumbs up icon showed in both of our screens. Is this something to be expected, or should we be worried about something else happening during the call? I tried to search for a video call reaction or something but didnt find information about that

The dolphin's thumb and fourth digit, however, remained. "The hook-shaped 'thumb' may have some bone inside of it, but it certainly isn't mobile," Cooper said, adding that "no cetaceans have mobile thumbs."

Earlier this week, with the Tampa area still recovering from Hurricane Irma, the Yankees and Rays played a three-game set at Citi Field in Queens. During Monday's game, Todd Frazier launched a three-run home run to left field -- and as he rounded the bases, one fan decided to express his displeasure via one very nonplussed thumbs-down:

It didn't take long for the above fan to become an Internet sensation, and in just a few days, the Yankees themselves had adopted the gesture as a group celebration. But one question still remained: Who was this guy? Was he a Rays fan? Frazier's lifelong nemesis? Since the game was played at a neutral site, we couldn't say for sure.

Until now, that is. Thanks to some intrepid reporting from the New York Daily News, we now know that the famous thumb belongs to 54-year-old Gary Dunaier, a 54-year-old court office assistant from Queens. Even better: He's a Mets fan.

"So just spur of the moment I came up with idea of just standing up and making the thumbs down gesture," he said. "A simple little thumbs down and all of a sudden it's become so popular. It's like a meme."

Dunaier has Mets season tickets up in section 538 at Citi Field, but with prices lowered for the Yankees-Rays series he decided to purchase seats two rows behind the New York dugout. And, even though he didn't mean the gesture as a compliment, he's not sweating how things turned out.

"I meant it as derision and they're taking it as a positive thing," he said. "That's funny. It's hilarious. What else can you say, you know?"

On ipads the tablet can notice gestures and then convert it to a raise hand or a thumbs up. I don't have an ipad to find exactly what it says, anyway click Zoom - Settings - Meetings and then the last two options, and turn them both off. I think a shadow or movement will trigger the recognition thing.

Hi, The same thing keeps happening in a few of my meetings. I am running the latest version of Zoom and have enabled authentication for users. My clients are usually doing pushups or chest presses so there's no way they can press the thumbs up. How is this happening? I am using a MacBook Pro, some of them use iPads. I have not found anything further in the community so I was wondering if it got investigated.

Hi all I'm using a desktop Mac and since I updated Zoom a few weeks ago I am getting the buffering thumbs up regularly...and when it completes buffering, the thumbs up is showing up on my screen and so my clients see it during a therapy session. Kind of a problem. I uninstalled and reinstalled Zoom and same thing is happening. Advice?

Litigation soon followed in the Canadian courts, and the Achters defended by claiming that the thumbs-up emoji was only meant to indicate that he had received the contract, not that he had accepted it. In the end, however, the court disagreed with this position and instead held that the thumbs-up emoji amounted to a legal acceptance of the contract. In awarding SWT the amount of $82,000 in damages, the court wrote:

What we end up with the thumbs-up emoji is a response that is arguably ambiguous. Contract law deals with that also, through a rule of law that basically posits that if an ambiguity occurs between the parties, the ambiguity is ordinarily to be resolved against the party who created the ambiguity. Here, Chris Achter caused the ambiguity by sending the thumbs-up emoji, so under contract law the ambiguity was resolved against the Achters and in favor of SWT. That means that we have an acceptance here and thus a contract.

On the other hand, the Canadian judge seemed to conclude that a thumbs-up emoji amounts to a "yes" in which event the court might have held that there simply was no ambiguity, and the contract would have been as equally binding on SWT as it ultimately was on the Achters.

I used to believe that lack of range of movement at the metacarpophalangeal joint was compensated by an increased range at the interphalangeal joint and that the reverse situation was also true. But I was wrong. The variations in range are extreme. Some double-jointed individuals showed a total range of movement in these 2 joints of more than 300A, whereas others showed a total range between 120A and 130A. Most individuals are unaware that the range of movement of their thumbs is different from that of other people.

In an infant born without both thumbs, the only practical operation is bilateral pollicization. Not unreasonably, parents are loath to consider what to them seems to be a radical mutilating procedure. It has been my practice to always introduce the family to a child who has had pollicizations. Watching both children play with identical toys usually convinces the parents of the value of the operation.

Floating thumb and pollicization. ___ Both of these useless thumbs were replaced by pollicization. Amputation of the thumb and transfer of the index were done at the same time; this demands very careful planning of the skin flaps. 1______ One year after the first pollicization and 6 months after the second, the patient had good span and good strength. Reprinted with permission from Flatt AE. The Care of Congenital Hand Anomalies. St. Louis, Mo: Quality Medical Publishing, 1994.

Extra thumbs. 2___ In this most common polydactylism, there is a complete reproduction of the proximal and distal phalanges. As in other types, there is a tendency for one thumb of the pair to be larger. 3___ When parallel thumbs are present, a choice has to be made as to which to retain; I always plan generous skin flaps at the expense of the discarded thumb. 4___ When the web space needs deepening, I usually do it at a later operation so as to avoid vascular embarrassment by operating on both sides of a thumb simultaneously. 5___ Thirteen years later, the result remains satisfactory in the teenaged patient. Reprinted with permission from Flatt AE. The Care of Congenital Hand Anomalies. St. Louis, Mo: Quality Medical Publishing, 1994.

Infants normally clasp their thumbs during their first few weeks of life and continue until about the third month. If the thumb is adducted and remains flexed at the interphalangeal joint and even the metacarpal joint, then the diagnosis is not likely to be a trigger thumb but the rare occurrence of a congenital absence of the extensor pollicis longus tendon. Extensive surgery may be necessary to restore full function to the thumb.

Trigger thumb. Congenital trigger thumb is occasionally inherited and is more common than trigger finger in children. 6___ A mother and her son with trigger thumbs. As a child, the mother was told surgery would be too dangerous. The mother's right thumb 7___ and her son's left thumb 8___ during surgical release. Note the large irregular nodule in the mother's thumb. Reprinted with permission from Flatt AE. The Care of Congenital Hand Anomalies. St. Louis, Mo: Quality Medical Publishing, 1994.

At Cerro de los Batallones, a paleontological site in Madrid, researchers unearthed the fossil remains of a Red Panda relative called Simocyon batalleri that had the same adaptation. The catch: Simocyon batalleri was carnivorous, not a bamboo-eater. The discovery suggests that the false thumbs of Red Pandas evolved to help them grip narrow branches while climbing trees, unrelated to eating bamboo. Several other arboreal species, including possums and koalas, have developed opposable or semi-opposable thumbs, although all of them have a modified digit more similar to the human thumb than the peculiar wrist bones of the pandas. 5376163bf9

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