
Pro tips on how to create a LinkedIn profile, presented by career advisor Ann Marie Leahy.
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What is LinkedIn

The LinkedIn professional network is a powerful tool! You can connect with trusted contacts and exchange knowledge, ideas, and opportunities with a larger network of professionals. LinkedIn hosts 500 million plus professional profiles, companies, and job opportunities. It is estimated that 87% of recruiters use LinkedIn to source talent and candidates.

LinkedIn is your key tool for staying up to date on industry trends or opportunities and building and showcasing your brand, all while cultivating your dynamic professional community!

Below you will find resources and examples on how to create your very own LinkedIn profile and how to optimize it.

What LinkedIn Can Do For You

  • Research jobs and internships.

  • Research professionals in the industry or company you would like to break into. See what their skills and background are. (Remember people can see when you have viewed their profile.)

  • Reach out to alum or other professionals for informational interviews, or to review your portfolio to give you tips.

  • Follow industry/thought leaders and companies to stay on top of industry trends, events and opportunities.

  • Stay in touch with industry professional you meet at networking events.

You’ll want to start by building out an effective profile. LinkedIn has great tips on how to set one up. Remember, your profile is an introduction of all the unique skills, interests, and experiences that make you — you.

Before Your Profile Goes Live....

If you have an incomplete LinkedIn page OR if it doesn’t match the resume you are using considering hiding your LinkedIn page. Don’t connect with people or apply for opportunities until you have a clear and professional profile.

You should ONLY launch your LinkedIn page when:

  • You know the work you are looking for.

  • Your resume is fine tuned.

  • You have a link to your portfolio (as applicable).

PRO TIP: Stay active on your LinkedIn account. You don’t need to be online all the time, but aim for 1-2x a week.

Profile Photo

  • Share a professional headshot. Aim for something professional but approachable. Have a neutral background.

  • BONUS: Add a background photo - This adds a little more interest to your profile and provides a place where you can show some of your work or sketches.

Contact Info

  • Include your email and website portfolio link in the contact drop-down.

  • Personalize your LinkedIn profile URL. Keep it simple and professional.


  • Think of this as a personal tagline where you share your role(s) and cool things you specialize in.

  • Integrate relevant keywords into your headline.


  • Describe yourself as an artist or designer. Share your philosophy, values, and skill sets. Think, “What is my creative brand?”

  • TIP: Include snapshots of projects or links to your work and portfolio website.


  • List jobs, internships, and freelance or contract work you’ve held. Provide a description of the tasks you performed.
 Include relevant keywords in your descriptions.

  • TIPS: Photos, videos, and links are eye-catching and showcase examples of your work.

  • Link to company accounts in your experience. This makes your profile visually appealing and helps recruiters learn about the companies you’ve connected with as well.


  • List your educational experiences and certificates or degrees.

  • TIP: Include snapshots or links to final project work.


  • Include your key skills. Aim for a top 10.

  • TIPS: Think about what top skills are desired in your industry and work to develop and showcase them.

  • Pick 3 top skills to highlight and work towards giving and receiving endorsements with your connections.


  • Connect to and follow companies, groups, influencers, and schools of interest.

  • TIP: Follow companies and influencers of interest to stay up to date on industry trends and so that recruiters can see that you are being proactive

PRO TIP: Like your connections’ posts, share articles, and post content that you are interested in — demonstrate that you are an active thought leader in your digital community.

Next Steps

  • Create a compelling profile

  • Follow companies and groups you are interested in

  • Grow your network

  • Seek out mentorship

  • Be sure to watch our “networking video” for email templates and tips on how to reach out to build your network.