South-Central La
Career Ambassadors PROGRAM
The Career Ambassadors Program trains young adults to build awareness about job opportunities and other community resources available to South LA residents. Through community outreach, Career Ambassadors are working to connect unemployed residents to job training programs, higher education, and career pathways.
Want to connect people with opportunities?
The Career Ambassadors Program trains young adults to build awareness about job opportunities and other community resources available to South LA residents. Through community outreach, Career Ambassadors are working to connect unemployed residents to job training programs, higher education, and career pathways. This program runs year-round, and we are currently accepting applications for our next cohort:
February 2022 - July 2022
Career Ambassadors is an Americorps program from Community Development Technologies (CDTech), a nonprofit that equips South LA residents to transform their neighborhoods and create economic opportunities.
Who are ideal candidates to become Career Ambassadors?
Interested in community change or a career in the nonprofit sector
Available for trainings and outreach between 10am-6pm, Monday-Friday for the full program July 5, 2021 - December 17, 2021
A citizen or permanent resident of the United States
At least 17 and-a-half years old
Entry-level work experience (little to no formal work experience)
South LA Residents (preferred)
$6,000 STIPEND
why south la? why now?
Many existing residents of South-Central Los Angeles are not fully aware of the billions of dollars of redevelopment projects (such as transportation and housing) that are active in their community.
Career Ambassadors connect communities and opportunities.
We are fighting to create opportunities for residents of our community. South LA is currently in a multi-year, billion-dollar redevelopment strategy intended to revitalize South-Central’s low-income, historic communities of color. This will bring jobs that can benefit the community. This is where Career Ambassadors make their impact.
We are empowering Career Ambassadors to become leaders who view communities as asset-full.
are YOU IN?
Our Formula:
There are five main activities that Career Ambassadors teams carry out in the community. Click each section for information about what you'll do:
Community Outreach
Career Ambassadors give information about the programs and services that can prepare residents of South-Central Los Angeles for the employment opportunities that are being generated through this redevelopment of their communities. The Career Ambassadors will develop expertise about these opportunities and through a combination of door-to-door outreach, tabling at area events and making presentations to key resident audiences they will share this information with the residents.
Career Ambassadors achieve 1-to-1 connection with community residents and are trained to help match these residents to local opportunities and resources. Ambassadors provide residents with some basic information about the available job and training opportunities and work to build a lasting relationship with people in the community.
Through follow up phone calls and visits, the Career Ambassadors will continue to gather information from the interested residents and help link them to the opportunities through the established referral networks and follow their progress in connecting with the opportunities.
Career Ambassadors identify young people who are not in school or in the workforce. Each Career Ambassador will follow up with these young people to support them in connecting with local opportunities, including opportunities at our home, CDTech, and with our partners.
Career Ambassadors receive practical skills training on data collection and research in the community. Ambassadors gain real experience collecting and recording information from the residents through the above activities.