Terms of Use


The following Terms and Conditions of Use are intended to outline Cards By Kendra's policies for use of this website, as well as important disclosures and notices. By using this website, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions of Use.

All information and materials on this website are owned and controlled by Kendra Morgan DBA Cards By Kendra, a Florida sole proprietorship company (the “Company”), its affiliates or partners. All copyright and intellectual property rights in our website and the content are expressly reserved. You are prohibited from republishing, selling, licensing, distributing, or exploiting any content and materials on the website, including using our content or material on any other website. The Company permits direct linking to its content so long as proper credit (including name and link) is clearly provided.

We maintain the privacy of our users and subscribers to the fullest extent possible. Subscribing to our website is an optional and voluntary action. Subscribers to our website may be asked to provide a name and email address. Cards By Kendra recognizes the importance of protecting the privacy of the personal information collected from our subscribers. We will never share your personal identifying information or email address with any other company or entity. If you have questions about our security measures or our privacy policy, please contact me .

Cards By Kendra participates in numerous affiliate programs established by other Business Partners, such that Kendra Morgan receives a commission when products are purchased through links at the Cards By Kendra blog.

www.cardsbykendra.com contains links to other sites on the internet that are owned and operated by third parties, our affiliates, or Business Partners. We do not regularly review or monitor sites linked to this website, and we are not responsible for the operation, availability, content, or accuracy of any pages or other sites linked from our website. Your linking to any other pages or sites is at your own risk. You agree that Cards By Kendra is not liable for any loss or damages you or any third party may suffer in connection with third parties’, affiliates’, or Business Partners’ webpages or websites. We do not make any representations or warranties about the quality of any product, services, or information or other material purchased or obtained by you via use of this website or our affiliate link partners.

Please note that when you click on an affiliated link, you will leave the Cards By Kendra website and be re-directed to a third-party website. In such circumstances, the Business Partner’s collection of information is governed by that Business Partner’s privacy policy.

Cards By Kendra does not represent or guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any comments posted by other users or endorse any opinions expressed by users. You acknowledge that any reliance on comments posted by other users will be at your own risk. Cards By Kendra cannot screen comments in advance and is not responsible for screening or monitoring comments posted by users. Cards By Kendra reserves the right to remove any comments at any time for any reason. We reserve the right to expel users or restrict further access to the website in our sole discretion and judgment.

Cards By Kendra will not be liable to users and subscribers for any losses or claims arising out of their use of our website, including any loss or corruption of data, computer software or hardware. If any issues, problems or claims arise out of a user’s or subscriber’s purchase of an online class or tutorial, Cards By Kendra’s liability shall be limited to the purchase price of the online class, tutorial, or content.

All posts and videos are based solely upon the blogger’s experiences and opinions. The Company is committed to only using and promoting products endorsed and loved by the blogger. The Company does not hold itself out as an expert on any product or processes, and users of this blog are encouraged to visit the retailer or manufacturer websites directly for more product detail and specifications.

Cards By Kendra reserves the right to update or modify these Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice. We encourage you to please review this page every time you visit this website.


All content (including text, photographs & designs) are copyright Kendra Morgan 2020.

Shared for personal use only. No content may be removed, duplicated or copied for publication, contest entry, online distribution, or advertisement, without permission.

Privacy Policy

Cardsbykendra.com (“Website”) is governed by the following Privacy Policy.

We respect your privacy and are committed to protecting it. The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform you what information we may collect and how it may be used. This statement only applies to this Website.

We take privacy seriously, and have a few principles that we follow.

  • We don’t ask you for personal information unless we truly need it
  • We don’t share your personal information with anyone…ever
  • There are no ads on this site, and NONE of the data is ever sold to other companies for any reason
  • We don’t store personal information on our server unless required for the on-going operation of our site

Cards By Kendra (referenced as “we”, “us”, “our” or “I” in this document) operates http://www.cardsbykendra.com. It’s our policy to respect your privacy regarding any information we may collect while operating our websites. By using our site, you agree to be held to the details outlined here.

What We Collect

Our site will request an e-mail address and name only for specific operations. Outlined below are the times when we request your information and why. We try and limit this only to when it’s absolutely required to achieve the operation or when required by the software and services we use.

  • When you leave a comment, our site requires an e-mail address to be entered. Your name is optional, but is stored if you enter it.
  • When you contact us with a question, we need your e-mail address and name so that we can respond back. 🙂
  • When you subscribe to blog updates, we obviously need your e-mail address to send the blog updates. Your real name is optional.
  • When you create an account, an e-mail address is required as part of the signup process. When you signup, you will be sent an e-mail to continue the account creation process. Your real name is optional, but is displayed when you comment.
  • When you browse the site, we collect non-personally-identifying information. This includes browser type, language preference, referring site, the date and time of each visitor request, duration and similar information. You can NOT be identified from any of this information, even if you are browsing while logged into the site or leaving a comment.

What We Do With Data

Any time we store or request data, it’s done because it’s required for the site operation. Without the information, the action you are requesting (leaving a comment, creating an account, asking a question, etc.), we would not be able to do what you request.

Like most website operators, we collect non-personally-identifying information of the sort that web browsers and servers typically make available, such as the browser type, language preference, referring site, and the date and time of each visitor request. Our purpose in collecting non-personally identifying information is to better understand how our visitors use our websites.

NONE of our information, statistics or browsing data is ever sold or traded to other companies or individuals. We are required to send some information to third parties to complete required services. See for details below.

Where It’s Stored

The majority of your information is stored on our systems with our hosting provider, GoDaddy. GoDaddy does not access any of your information. This is only available to Kendra Morgan, owner of Cards By Kendra. This includes site comments, site account information, stored favorites and contact questions you submit.

Analytics tracking data is stored at Google as described in this document.

When you subscribe to receive blog updates via e-mail, your e-mail address and name are sent to MailChimp. MailChimp will store this information in order to send you the requested updates. They will not use the e-mail and name for any other purpose.


A cookie is information that a website stores on your computer, and that the visitor’s browser provides to the website each time the visitor returns. This is how all websites keep track of things as you move from page to page on our site. We use cookies for the following reasons. We considered all to be required for proper operation of this site.

  • Keep track of you when you login. You can create an account on our site and use it to store favorites and make quicker comments. When you log in, we will also set up several cookies to save your login information and your screen display choices. Login cookies last for two days, and screen options cookies last for a year. If you select “Remember Me”, your login will persist for two weeks. If you log out of your account, the login cookies will be removed.
  • Speed up website performance.
  • Analytics data. Like all websites on the internet, we take advantage of Google Analytics. This is used to see how people use the site and which pages they view. The cookies will correlate all of the information and store it with Google. But all of the cookie information and IP addresses are anonymized, and can no way be used to identify you, even when logged in or leaving a comment.

Visitors who do not wish to have cookies placed on their computers should set their browsers to refuse cookies before using our websites. The drawback is that you will not be able to login, and may see slower performance.

3rd Party Services Used

When you request blog updates to be e-mailed to you, this is handled by a third party service called MailChimp. They will store your name and e-mail in order to send you the mail.

Analytics data is stored with Google, but does not contain any information that will allow them, or us, to identify you. This includes e-mail addresses, names and IP addresses.


We do not share any data with any ad or information networks. We only provide the minimum data to the services listed in the previous section that are needed for them to provide us with the requested functionality.

Privacy Policy Changes

Although most changes are likely to be minor, we may change this Privacy Policy from time to time, and in our sole discretion. We encourage visitors to frequently check this page for any changes to its Privacy Policy. Your continued use of this site after any change in this Privacy Policy will constitute your acceptance of such change.

How to Contact Us

If you would like to contact us with any questions, please do so from the Contact Me. If you want a copy of your information, or request to be forgotten according to your local law, also please do so from the contact form at Contact Me. Note that if you request to be forgotten, most information will be removed. This may include your account, favorites and all comments you have left. This does not include any data we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes.