
Journal Papers since December 2021

Publications as of the commencement of the IBS research center

[21] "Brightening deep-blue perovskite light-emitting diodes: A path to Rec. 2020", S. J. Lee, J. H. Kim, H. J. Kim, C. W. Kim, S. I. Kim, C. J. Kim, H. S. Lee, B. J. Choi, C. Muthu, T. H. Kim, J. H. Lee, S. B. Lee, H. Ihee, J. Lee*, Sci. Adv., 10, eadn8465 (2024) (Online publication: 2024-05-17). [Full Text] [Supporting Information] 

[20] "A comparative review of time-resolved X-ray and electron scattering to probe structural dynamics", Y. Lee, K. Y. Oang, D. Kim, H. Ihee*, Struct. Dyn., 11, 031301 (2024) (Online publication: 2024-05-01). [Full Text] 

[19] "Structural dynamics of the heme pocket and intersubunit coupling in the dimeric hemoglobin from Scapharca inaequivalvis", X. Gao, M. Mizuno, H. Ishikawa, S. Muniyappan, H. Ihee, Y. Mizutani*, J. Chem. Phys., 160, 165102 (2024) (Online publication: 2024-04-26). [Full Text] [Supporting Information] 

[18] "Dynamic three-dimensional structures of a metal–organic framework captured with femtosecond serial crystallography", J. Kang, Y. Lee, S. Lee, H. Ki, J. Kim, J. Gu, Y. Cha, J. Heo, K. W. Lee, S. O. Kim, J. Park, S. Park, S. Kim, R. Ma, I. Eom, M. Kim, J. Kim, J. Lee, H. Ihee*, Nat. Chem., 16, 693-699 (2024) (Online publication: 2024-03-25). [Full Text] [Supporting Information] 

Featured in the front cover of the May issue of Nature Chemistry [Link] 

Highlighted in Nature Chemistry News & Views: Lauren E. Hatcher and Paul R. Raithby, "Dynamic crystal structure of a molecular framework" [Link]

[17] "Capturing the generation and structural transformations of molecular ions", J. Heo, D. Kim, A. Segalina, H. Ki, D.-S. Ahn, S. Lee, J. Kim, Y. Cha, K. W. Lee, J.Yang, J.P.F Nunes, X. Wang, H. Ihee*, Nature, 625, 710-714 (2024) (Online publication: 2024-01-10). [Full Text] [Supporting Information] 

[16] "Single-Molecule X-ray Scattering Used to Visualize the Conformation Distribution of Biological Molecules via Single-Object Scattering Sampling", S. Lee, H. Ki, S. J. Lee, H. Ihee*, Int. J. Mol. Sci., 24, 17135 (2023) (Online publication: 2023-12-05). [Full Text] [Supporting Information] 

[15] "Cerium Photocatalyst in Action: Structural Dynamics in the Presence of Substrate Visualized via Time-Resolved X-ray Liquidography", Y. Lee, H. Ki, D. Im, S. Eom, J. Gu, S. Lee, J. Kim, Y. Cha, K. W. Lee, S. Zerdane, M. Levantino, H. Ihee*, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 145, 23715–23726 (2023) (Online publication: 2023-10-19). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[14] "Length and Charge of the N-terminus Regulate the Lifetime of the Signaling State of Photoactive Yellow Protein", C. Yang, Y. Kim, S. Kim, S. Lee, J. Choi, H. Ihee*, J. Phys. Chem. B, 127, 42, 9001–9013 (2023) (Online publication: 2023-10-11). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[13] "Projection to extract the perpendicular component (PEPC) method for extracting kinetics from time-resolved data", H. Ki, J. Gu, Y. Cha, K. W. Lee, H. Ihee*, Struct. Dyn., 10, 034103 (2023) (Online publication: 2023-06-27). [Full Text] [Supporting Information] 

[12] "Visualizing Heterogeneous Protein Conformations with Multi-Tilt Nanoparticle-Aided Cryo-Electron Microscopy Sampling", C. Kim, Y. Kim, S. J. Lee, S. R. Yun, J. Choi, S. O. Kim, Y. Yang*, H. Ihee*, Nano Lett., 23, 3334-3343 (2023) (Online publication: 2023-04-17). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[11] "The Photoactive Photosynthetic Reaction Center of a Rhodobacter sphaeroides Mutant Lacking 3-Vinyl (Bacterio)Chlorophyllide a Hydratase Contains 3-Vinyl Bacteriochlorophyll a", J. Kim, C. Kim, S. Kim, H. Ihee, W. Shin, E.-J. Kim*,  J. K. Lee*, Microbiol. Spectr., 11, 2 (2023) (Online publication: 2023-03-27). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[10] "Extracting Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Molecules without Heavy Atoms via Time-Resolved Solvent Scattering Signals", K. Y. Oang, S. Park, J. Moon, E. Park, H. K. Lee, T. Sato, S. Nozawa, S. Adachi, J. Kim, J. Kim, J.-H. Sohn*, H. Ihee*, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 14, 3103-3110 (2023) (Online publication: 2023-03-23). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[9] "Singlet fission dynamics modulated by molecular configuration in covalently linked pyrene dimers, Anti- and Syn-1,2-di(pyrenyl)benzene", J. Choi, S. Kim, M. Ahn, J. Kim, D. W. Cho, D. Kim, S. Eom, D. Im, Y. Kim, S. H. Kim, K.-R. Wee*, H. Ihee*, Commun. Chem., 6, 16 (2023) (Online publication: 2023-01-17). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[8] "Structural dynamics of proteins explored via time-resolved x-ray liquidography", Y. Lee, H. Lee, H. Ihee*, Chem. Phys. Rev., 3, 041304 (2022) (Online publication: 2022-11-15). [Full Text]

[7] "Photoactivation of triosmium dodecacarbonyl at 400 nm probed with time-resolved X-ray liquidography", H. Ki, T. W. Kim, J. Moon, J. Kim, Y. Lee, J. Heo, K. H. Kim, Q. Kong, D. Khakhulin, G. Newby, J. Kim, J. Kim, M. Wulff, H. Ihee*, Chem. Commun., 58, 7380-7383 (2022) (Online publication: 2022-06-08). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[6] "Reaction dynamics studied via femtosecond X-ray liquidography at X-ray free-electron lasers", E. H. Choi, Y. Lee, J. Heo, H. Ihee*, Chem. Sci., 13, 8457-8490 (2022) (Online publication: 2022-06-06). [Full Text]

[5] "Tailoring the CO2 selective adsorption properties of MOR zeolites by post functionalization", D. Kwon, M. Numan, J. Kim, M. Yilmaz, S.-E. Park, H. Ihee*, C. Jo*, J. CO2 Util., 62, 102064 (2022) (Online publication: 2022-06-03). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[4] "Light-induced protein structural dynamics in bacteriophytochrome revealed by time-resolved x-ray solution scattering", S. J. Lee, T. W. Kim, J. G. Kim, C. Yang, S. R. Yun, C. Kim, Z. Ren, I. Kumarapperuma, J. Kuk, K. Moffat, X. Yang*, H. Ihee*, Sci. Adv., 8, eabm6278 (2022) (Online publication: 2022-05-27). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[3] "Solvent-modulated proton-coupled electron transfer in an iridium complex with an ESIPT ligand", S. Kim, J. Choi, D. W. Cho, M. Ahn, S. Eom, J. Kim, K.-R. Wee*, H. Ihee*, Chem. Sci., 13, 3809-3818 (2022) (Online publication: 2022-03-05). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[2] "Sensitivity of time-resolved diffraction data to changes in internuclear distances and atomic positions", H. Jeong, H. Ki, J. G. Kim, J. Kim, Y. Lee, H. Ihee*, Bull. Korean Chem. Soc., 43, 376-390 (2022) (Special issue in "Advances of Physical Chemistry in Korea") (Online publication: 2022-01-25). [Full Text] [Program]

[1] "Determining the charge distribution and the direction of bond cleavage with femtosecond anisotropic x-ray liquidography", J. Heo, J. G. Kim, E. H. Choi, H. Ki, D.-S. Ahn, J. Kim, S. Lee, H. Ihee*, Nat. Commun., 13, 522 (2022) (Online publication: 2022-01-26). [Full Text] [Supporting Information] [Full-text access (SharedIt)]

Highlighted in the Editors’ Highlights webpage of recent research on Inorganic and physical chemistry by Margherita Citroni. [Link] [Link2]

Selected publications before December 2021

Director Hyotcherl Ihee's Research Group