Stopping global warming starts with you.

Did you know you have the power to decrease global warming with little to no effort at all?

You might ask, how? That's where we come in.

CarbonCapture is a company that sells products that literally absorb carbon dioxide straight from the air. We lead busy lives, tending to children, work, school, and ourselves. Still, all that busy life has a massive impact on the environment around us.

When you purchase our products, you're making an incredible positive impact on the world around you passively. We should all care about the environment, but let's face facts. Not everyone has the time, energy or resources to care. But that's alright! We're here to make solving global warming easy and effortless.

So, how does this even work? It's not too hard really.

What you see here is an MOF, or metal-organic framework. The red portions represent organic ligands, and the blue portions represent metal nodes.

Each gram of our product that includes an MOF has a surface area of two football fields, the largest surface area known to man.

Metal-organic frameworks have been utilized previously for hydrogen capture but research has shown that it proves equally as effective for CO2 capture!