Photo by Dr. Jay M. Gregg (angular unconformity between the Proterozoic and the overlying Paleozoic strata, Grand Canyon).

Dr. Sahar Mohammadi 

Assistant Scientist & 

Courtesy Assistant Professor 

Energy Research Program 

Kansas Geological Survey 


Dr. Mohammadi specializes in regional diagenesis and mineralization of Mississippian carbonate rocks in the southern Midcontinent. Dr. Mohammadi is a renowned expert in fault and fracture controls on hydrothermal fluids, fluid inclusion analysis, and isotope geochemistry of carbonates. With her expertise and dedication, Dr. Mohammadi contributes valuable insights to the geology field.

 Join us on this exciting journey as we unravel the complexities of Earth's history and gain invaluable insights into the evolution of our planet.

Watney's core lab facility, KS

Saddle dolomite, Tri-State mine, Ottawa, OK

Fluid inclusions, calcite cement, Neck City, MO

Clinton Pkwy, Lawrence, KS

Cold-cathodoluminescence lab, KU

Oil & gas drill site, KS

Oil & gas drill site, KS