Welcome to CarboCat


The purpose of our research is to understand and optimize carbons and catalysts for applications in energy, environmental and materials industries. In particular, we strive to develop less expensive products from abundant domestic resources such as biomass and coal. We also provide consulting and advising services in these areas to both public and private institutions. 

CarboCat: a research laboratory since 2007 


Pyro 2024

The 24th International Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis (Pyro2024) was held in Beijing, China, from May 19 to 23. Our PhD student Jorge Poblete participated in this congress with a successful oral presentation entitled ''Unraveling the mechanism of limonene generation through fast pyrolysis of waste tires: A model based approach''.

New PHD!

Oscar Pinto successfully defended his doctoral thesis on May 22nd under the supervision of Prof. Romel Jimenez (CarboCat) and Juan Matos (Universidad Autonoma de Chile). Congratulations Oscar!

Carbocat opens its doors to high schools 

On May 10, Carbocat participated in an activity organized by Prof. Tatiana in which high school students were able to visit our laboratory and learn about our research topics. read more

Edificio Gustavo Pizarro

Departamento de Ingeniería Química 

Universidad de Concepción

tel:41-2204739 | labanalisisquim@udec.cl